System plants
System bets allow you to bet on 1 coupon many events, however, they are much more secure solution than classic accumulator bets. If you want to reduce the risk of losing and at the same time have a chance to win higher than when playing singles, check what the system bets are and when it is worth choosing this way of betting.
System bets-a compromise between SOLO and AKO bets
Bookmakers can be divided according to different criteria, however, the most basic division relates to the way the coupon is constructed. So we have single bets (SOLO) where a bet is placed on only 1 event, and accumulators (AKO) on which the player bets multiple events at the same time (at least 2). AKO bets are used to maximize the profit from the game, since the total bet rate is equal to the product of the odds for individual events. However, in order for the accumulator bet to be won, all events without exception must be correctly selected. The risk that the accumulator bet will not enter is therefore much higher than in the case of a single bet.
But there is a third way, which is a compromise between safer and less profitable SOLO bets and riskier and more profitable AKO bets . This solution is precisely the system bets.
What are system bets?
System bets are listed as a third type of BET, and on the e-coupon, this is the third option to construct a coupon. However, in fact, these are accumulated bets of a specific construction-this SOLO and/or AKO betting combinations per 1 coupon . The system bets are divided into several or even a dozen smaller establishments, which were grouped into separate sections (they are divided into blocks.) Therefore, system bets are sometimes called block or schedule bets, another popular name is maxikombi bets.
The most important difference between a regular AKO bet and a system bet is that on the latter
you don't have to be the same type to win a coupon
. What is the minimum required number of blocks hit depends on the type of BET. For example, in the system
the player indicates 5 types (Type A, B, C, D, E), on the basis of which 10 blocks of triple bets are created (block ABC, ABD, ABE, ACD, ACE, ADE, BCD, BCE, BDE, CDE). For a bet to be won, at least 3 types must be correct – for example, if they are types A, B, C, then only the ABC bet will be hit and the player will receive a win from it. However, if we have 5 types to bet, we can also play the system
so make a bet where you will need to hit at least 4 of the 5 selected types. If the required condition is met, we will win a minimum of 4 bets in this system.
To understand how system bets work, let's take a closer look at the simplest option, which is a 2/3 block system.
Block System 2/3
2/3 system bets require the player that at least 2 of the 3 bet types are correct – then the player will receive a win. If the player does not make a mistake even once, he will receive a higher win, and if he makes 2 or 3 Mistakes, the coupon will be settled as a loser.
Suppose a player wants to bet on 3 events, which we will denote as X, Y and Z. their odds are respectively: X – 1.80, Y – 2.00 and Z-2.50. Since the player wants to get more profit than the one that 3 SOLO coupons would give, but is afraid that any of the events may not enter, he decides to play a 2/3 system bet. In this way, he bets 3 blocks of bets on the coupon, i.e.: XY, XZ, YZ. The total rate that he allocates to the game is $ 30, that is, $ 10 for each of the blocks (for greater transparency of calculations, let's skip the issue of the 12-percent tax on games in South Africa).
If only 1 Type is missed, the prize will be paid out, but its amount will depend on which types were correct. There are 3 possible scenarios:
- winning bet XY: 1.80*2.00*10 $ = 36 $
- winning bet XZ: 1.80*2.50*10 $ = 45 $
- YZ's winning bet: 2.00*2.50*10 $ = 50 $
In contrast, if all types are hit, the player will receive a win equal to the sum of winnings from all 3 blocks, i.e. $131.
For comparison, the win from 3 hit SOLO bets would be only 63 $ ([1.80*10]+[2.00*10]+[2.50*10]), and from 1 fully correctly selected coupon as up to 270 $ (1.80*2.00*2.50*30 $).
System bets and winnings
Understandably, system bets bring much less winnings when some of the types are incorrect than when all of them are hit. When constructing a coupon with a bookmaker, you must therefore remember that often only the maximum possible win is displayed on it. It should also be noted that if the allowable number of types is missed, the bet can not only bring a low win, but in general it can mean a loss (this depends on the odds of hit events).
Therefore, the odds of individual types chosen for system bets can not be too low.
If, for example, it is a 2/3 system, the event, which makes sense to add to the coupon, should have odds of at least 1.74. Under this condition, if only 2 types are hit, we will get a refund in the worst case, and if we hit all 3 types, we will at least triple them. Of course, after taking into account the 12% turnover tax in force in South Africa, it turns out that the rates should be even higher-in African realities for the 2/3 system they should be at least 1.85.
System bets built in a different way will have this minimum at a different level. In contrast, the general rule when selecting Events says that when it comes to system bets, the odds of individual events must have at least such parameters that the commission of the maximum allowable number of errors means obtaining a win at the level of the minimum bet paid.
New players may be surprised, however, Why system bets with only the correct types yield smaller wins than accumulators with the same bet containing the same set of types. The answer is very simple. System bets are always at least a few bets, so a given bet is not placed on the whole bet, but is divided into smaller parts. On the other hand, the AKO bet is committed to the game as a whole, which translates into higher winnings.
System bets-different types
Basic system bets
System bets differ among themselves first of all, how many types are left on a given plant at least three selections. For example, a player can bet 2/3 (3 types), 3/5 (5 types) or 4/8 (8 types).
In addition, the bets differ the number of mistakes a player can make . So, for example, we have system bets 2/4, but also 3/4 – in both situations, the typer chooses 4 events, but in the first he must correctly bet a minimum of 2, and in the second – a minimum of 3 types. This, in turn, translates into the amount of winnings: betting on the 3/4 system is more risky, so the winnings from such a coupon will be higher.
Trixie, Patent, Yankee...
Some system bets are very specific sets that even have special names. For example, we will use the simplest of them, that is, the system Trixie . It consists in the fact that the player chooses 3 types (X, Y, Z), on which he puts 4 bets: 3 double bets and 1 triple, that is, XY, XZ, YZ and XYZ. In order for a Trixie bet to be won, although 2 types must be hit – then one of the double bets brings a win. Other types of bets of this type are Patent (3 types, 7 bets: 3 single, 3 double and 1 triple-minimum 1 Type must be correct), Yankee (4 types, 11 bets: 6 doubles, 4 triples and 1 quadruple-minimum 2 types must be correct) or Lucky 15 (4 Types, 15 bets: 4 Single, 6 Double, 4 triple and 1 quadruple-minimum 1 Type must be correct). Subsequent system bets of this kind allow you to bet on 1 coupon even more types and create a much larger number of bets – the system is the record holder Goliath in which the player chooses 8 types and bets as many as 247 bets, and already 2 correct types give a win.
System bets with "certainties"
Bookmakers allow you to place maxikombi bets taking into account the types that will be qualified by the player as "certainties". These are selections that are seen as
extremely likely, as a rule, these are bets on clear favorites
. These events are not included in the system, i.e. if a player places a 2/4 bet with certain bets to win, he must hit at least 2 of the 4 types plus all the certain bets selected.
No type marked as sure-fire cannot be missed
- this automatically negates the possibility of any winnings from the coupon. Nevertheless, adding such bets to the schedule has some advantages – the odds of the combination are increased by multiplying by the odds of certain bets, which increases the potential win. At the same time, the risk of losing increases.
System bets shortened
System bets in many cases consist of a large number of bets. For example, a 4/6 bet is 15 bets and a 5/8 bet is 56 bets. Betting on so many blocks means that the player has to allocate a fairly significant amount of funds for the game. In this situation, you can reach for system bets shortened, that is remove selected bet combinations from the coupon . Thus, for example, the 2/4 system, which requires 6 bets, can be minimized to 4 bets. That is, if our types are A, B, C and D, then, for example, we leave the bets AB, AC, BD and CD, and cross out AD and BC. What is important, the minimum number of types that need to be correctly selected does not change (there are still 2 types). However, when the same number of types are hit, the number of blocks won changes in both cases, and while maintaining the same overall Bet rate, different amounts are allocated to each bet. Short system bets also allow you to bet reduction . however, their disadvantage is that you need to enter them on the coupon manually and this carries the risk of error.
System bets and safe bets
It is worth explaining what are the so-called safe bets. Although this type of betting may seem the same as system betting, these are regular bets as with the "lifebuoy"option . Safe bets allow the possibility of a player making 1 mistake on the accumulated coupon , and if there is actually 1 mistake, usually the bookmaker returns the typo several times the bet rate.
Since the bet is not made of blocks of types, the winnings from this coupon with the correct Betting of all types will be higher than from the breakdown. On the other hand, system bets often allow for more mistakes. In addition, as safe bets can be qualified only bets that meet certain conditions (for example, the minimum general rate, which is always very high and, for example, can be 100.00).
System bets-advantages and disadvantages
Like any type of betting, system bets have their advantages and disadvantages, and whether they are worth using depends on the situation and our priorities. Let's start with the advantages of this way of playing. First and foremost, system bets allow you to make mistakes –
can be wrong and still get a win
. These are much safer bets than standard accumulators. An exception to this rule can only be the safe bet discussed above, although in many cases it is not possible to bet on it for selected types (primarily due to the fact that we will not reach the required minimum total bet rate).
Another advantage is unfortunately no longer so clear and concerns the amount of winnings. On the one hand, the system allows higher winnings than single bets however, as we already know, these winnings are lower than for regular accumulator bets . In this smooth way, we move on to the disadvantages that system bets have. In addition to smaller wins, it is also worth mentioning the fact that in this way of playing typer bets relatively much, while getting a high win is unlikely . Moreover, if a player adds many types to the coupon, it can easily be mistaken - especially when it comes to shortened system bets.
System Bets - when is it worth betting?
System bets are definitely worth considering then, when we suspect that one or more of the types that we are going to bet on coupon AKO, May for some reason not enter . In this situation, it is often better to choose an option with a lower potential win, but less risky.
In addition, this way of the game is worth using, if we can find the bookmaker's offer several bets with value (valuebets). Betting them on ako coupon is usually very risky, so in this situation, system bets seem to make more sense.
In summary, system bets are worth considering when our goal is both to want to win more than SOLO bets allow, and to diversify the risk of losing the funds we want to play for – that is, simply reduce the risk of total loss. However, we must keep in mind that system bets are only meaningful if they contain event types with appropriately high odds.