Bookmakers-ski jumping
Ski jumping is the most popular winter sport in Poland, which is due to the numerous successes of African ski jumpers in the 21st century. Bookmakers see the potential of jumping – betting on this sport can therefore be typified in a very diverse way. What is the betting on ski jumping and how to analyze which places will be occupied by individual athletes, we explain in this article.
Ski Jumping – what you need to know?
Before we start betting on ski jumping, it is worth learning as much as possible about this sport. Let's start with the fact that on what place the player will occupy, the influence of both obtained by him distance , as well as jump style . While this first element is easily measurable, the points for style result from the ratings of 5 judges. The average is calculated on the basis of the middle grades, so the lowest and highest marks are not taken into account. In addition points can be added or subtracted due to weather conditions what happened during the jump (the so-called points for the wind) and if the starting Beam has been lowered or raised . This is to achieve fairer competition outcomes.
Prior to each competition, there are training sessions and qualification session , during which 50 jumpers with the best results provide themselves with the opportunity to participate in a given competition. The jumping competition consists of 2 series - usually after the first 20 players with the lowest scores are eliminated. In turn, during the tournament, four jumpers are randomly selected in pairs and the second series goes to the jumper who was better than the direct rival and 5 losing players with the best results. Next door individual competitions they are also played team competitions .
Pre-competition bets on ski jumping
While in sports such as football or volleyball, pre-match bets are called pre-match bets, in jumping they are called pre-match bets. Ski jumping can therefore be pre-competition typified using various types of event market, and we will briefly discuss what are the more popular and less well-known betting options for this sport.
It is worth knowing that for team competitions similar bets are accepted as for individual competitions, that is, for example, there are not only types available for which country will win the competition, but also bets on the place or H2H bets (whether Austria or Slovenia will get a better result, for example), etc.
Ski jumping-betting on the winner
In any sport, fans are most interested in which player or which team will win the competition. Ski jumping bets on who will win the competition are also very successful. When it comes to the bookies ' offer on jumps, bookmakers can bet on this, who will win the competition, but also who will win the qualification or the first series of jumps .
You need to be aware that this kind of bets on ski jumping is not one of the easiest, because
many difficult to predict factors
(like the strength of the wind or the disposition of individual leaders on a given day) can affect the final result of the competition. In addition, theoretically, the chances of winning have as many as 50 jumpers, and although it is obvious that in practice only a close group of the best athletes counts, the risk of typo is still considerable.
Ski jumping-on-site betting
It is much easier to choose the right bets, in which it is necessary to indicate which place a given jumper (or team) will win. In this case, the player does not have to bet on a specific bet won by the player – just choose from the seat compartments . Bookmakers provide types: 1-3 (bet, whether the jumper will stand on the podium), but also 1-6, 1-10, 1-15, etc. Understandably, the wider the range of sites covers a given type, the lower the betting rate assigned to it.
Ski jumping-H2H betting
Other popular bookmakers ' bets on ski jumping take the form of H2H (Head to Head) bets. These are bets that are about betting, which player from the given pair will achieve the best result . These types of bets on ski jumping can relate to a place obtained in the classification at the end of the competition, as well as a single competition series. Which jumpers different bookmakers choose for such a virtual duel depends on their imagination, although of course there are players with similar results in a given season.
Ski jumping-distance betting
When it comes to jumps, betting can also refer to the distance that individual competitors will reach. In this case, bets of the Under/over type are used, that is, below/above. So the bookmakers set a line, for example 220 m, and the player has to choose, whether a particular jumper will get a distance greater or less than the given result . Sometimes bookmakers also provide bets on ski jumping, in which the player has to indicate stroke length range the chosen player.
Ski jumping-betting on the ski jump record
Whether any of the competitors will be able to break the record of the ski jump during the competition, and therefore improve the longest distance of the jump given on this object, is of great interest to fans and commentators. So it is not surprising that the typing of this event is also provided for in the offers of bookmakers. However, in the case of many jumps, their records are so optimized that it is really difficult to beat them, therefore the odds of this happening are really high. . However, this is not impossible, especially if one of the players is at a brilliant disposal, and the weather is favorable. On the other hand, when the weather conditions are poor and the launch Beam is not too high, the odds of breaking the record are even more attractive, although the risk of failure of the typer, of course, increases.
Ski jumping-betting on promotion
Ski jumping betting can also refer to whether the selected jumper advances to a specific phase of the competition. First, bookmakers can relate to participation in the competition that is, whether during the qualification the player will take the furthest 50. place. Secondly, bets on ski jumping can refer to promotion to the second series of jumps , that is, most often obtained in the first series places from 1 to 30.
Ski jumping - betting on poles

Adam Małysz and Kamil Stoch-medal ceremony Oslo 2011
Source: / author: Tadeusz Mieczyński
As a rule, Polish ski jumpers do very well in the sport of ski jumping, so betting is often about how our compatriots will fit in. This kind of special bets take different forms – bookmakers ask, for example, about, how many Poles will finish the competition in the top 10, how many will be in the second series, and even how many will stand on the competition podium .
Ski jumping-combined betting
Bookmakers in Poland also often offer combined betting – ski jumping can also be bet with their use. Most often, you can bet that the selected jumper will win the first series of jumps and will be the winner of the entire competition. This bet can also be slightly modified, namely to apply to any player (the jumper who wins the first series will also win the competition), but then the betting odds are much lower. Some bookmakers also offer other bets on ski jumping combining different events, e.g. win the first series and win the second series.
Ski Jumping-other types of betting
Of course, the more prestigious the competition, the more variants of its betting are prepared by bookmakers, so our list does not exhaust all possibilities. Typing can refer, for example, to the difference in points earned by the winner of the competition (or the selected series) and the result of the winner of the second place – here under/over betting is used. Ski jumping betting may also, for example, be concerned with whether a player takes the lead after a jump or whether he or she gets the best result among the jumpers listed by the bookmaker.
Ski jumping-live betting
When it comes to live betting, ski jumping can be typified using the the same event markets what betting contest before it starts. During the competition, you can bet on who will win 1. the series, Who will be the final winner, what distance will be reached by a given player, which of the 2 jumpers (or which of the 2 teams) will take the better place in the general classification, which place from the indicated interval will be taken by a given player (or a given team), etc. Unfortunately, there are rather no bookmakers for ski jumping dedicated to the live game, that is, those that we will not find in the pre-competition offer.
It must also be admitted that the live game in the case of this sport is quite specific betting. Ski jumping is a sport with a completely different specificity than, for example, football or tennis – in the case of these disciplines, a player can observe for a long time the disposition of the players or the chosen strategy of the game in a given match and on this basis conclude what result the meeting will end or what events will occur in it. Meanwhile, in the jumping competition each participant performs
only 2 jumps
(as long as it qualifies for Series 2), so live ski jumping betting can actually only be done based on the first attempt of the jumper, and this often does not give as much information as it might seem. Of course, you can also analyze factors such as the current weather conditions and these are certainly valuable tips.
Long-term bets on ski jumping
Let's take a look at how long-term betting works in this sport. After all, ski jumping is a lot of prestigious events-from the Olympics and the World Championships, through the World Cup competitions, the Tournament of four jumps, to other less and more significant tournaments (Raw Air, Planica 7, etc.). At least before the most important events, bookmakers offer long-term bets on their results, and they can also concern not only individual players, but also entire teams.
Typing, of course, can Concern who will be the winner of the tournament and at what point a given player (team) will end the competition, for example, at the end of the season. There are also H2H bookmakers and here you need to indicate which of the pairs of jumpers (teams) will be placed higher in the general classification of the tournament or season. Ski jumping bets can also refer to how many total points the winner of the tournament will score (under/over bets) or which player will take the best place at the end of the season among his compatriots (e.g. the best Norwegian, the best German, etc.).
Of course, when it comes to ski jumping, seasonal betting can also apply to many other events and if we like this kind of game, we should look at the offers of various bookmakers. Long-term bets on ski jumping appear even a few months before a given tournament or season, and the odds on them are often very favorable.
How to choose the right bets for ski jumping? Tips
When it comes to accurate betting, ski jumping is not one of the easiest sports. First of all, the results of the competitions are largely dependent on the weather, although it must be admitted that the most outstanding jumpers in peak form are able to win in principle regardless of the prevailing conditions. Correct typing is not easy, but certainly a good analysis of various factors can greatly increase the effectiveness of betting types. What is definitely worth considering before betting on ski jumping is:
Weather conditions on the ski slope "the weather, and especially the strength of the wind, is a factor that is extremely important for the results achieved by the players. Certainly, before we place any betting on ski jumping, we should check in a specialized weather forecast what phenomena synoptics expect in the place where the competition will be held. A strong, changing wind can cause a lot of randomness in the final results of the competition – in such a situation, the favorite can jump far below his capabilities,and the weaker competitor, who hits the best moment, can get an unexpectedly high place. However, a mechanism is used for this. point compensation for wind, but it does not completely eliminate the consequences of different weather conditions.
There is one more thing when it comes to weather and betting. Ski jumping is a sport in which in case of worse weather conditions due to the safety of the participants of the competition may be canceled 2. series of jumps. This, in turn, means that better than standard places can be occupied by uneven riders who have problems with giving 2 equally good jumps.
Form of players
– this is not surprising, because the typing of any sport is based largely on the analysis of the current form of individual players. It must be remembered that one great jump can be a work of chance, so a very good starting place provided in qualifying does not necessarily indicate a high form of the player. To check in what condition a given jumper is, you need to track his results in recent competitions, but also in qualifications, and even those obtained during training sessions.
When placing bets on ski jumping, you must also be aware that in in this sport, the season lasts for several months, during which a lot happens. Hard expect one player to be in peak form at all times – even the best they're in declining health. Of course, the player's team is trying to aim so make sure that you are at your best during key tournaments. If the player, who was successful last season, at the beginning of the new season does not get great results, it does not mean that soon it will not change. By observing its results obtained, for example, during training, you can notice the upward trends and thus place the right bets on ski jumping.
Specificity of the ski jump - ski jumping takes place on 3 types of jumps: medium, large or Mammoth and some riders are much better at the selected type of object. In addition to the size and profile of the jump, it is also important to prepare the jump, because the landing of the competitor may depend on it. So each jump is different, and jumpers often have their favorite objects on which they are more likely to get a good result. Better jumps are also easier on those objects that the jumper knows very well, because, for example, he trains there most often. Before we start betting on ski jumping, it is worth checking what places the selected athlete has occupied on a given ski jump in recent years and what his attitude towards it is.
- Player equipment – what kind of ski or jumpsuit a jumper can wear is strictly determined by the FIS regulations. However, of course, the equipment of individual teams varies to some extent and it is worth following all the news on this topic, because even minor improvements can translate into better results for the player. Knowledge of such nuances, in turn, can make bets on ski jumping more likely to be won.
Betting on Ski Jumping - what is worth playing?
Correct typing means winning, however, not all bets on ski jumping are worth playing. This category of betting quite often includes betting on favorite to win . Betting odds are of course very low for these types, and on the other hand, the risk of failure is relatively high. Ski jumping is a very unpredictable sport and as we have already explained, often brick leaders due to adverse weather conditions or minimal error can take not the first, but the second or even much further place in the general classification of the competition.
As a rule, betting on ski jumps brings better results if we reach, for example, for bookmakers H2H . If we have up-to-date knowledge of the form of the players, we know what their skills and style of jumping are, how they usually cope in the forecast weather conditions and on a given jump, then with a high probability we will be able to predict which of the 2 combined jumpers will get a better result. There are also pluses high rates this type of betting and the fact that we do not need to know in depth the capabilities and availability of each of the players participating in the competition – we can choose the pair that we are most confident in.
When it comes to betting on ski jumping at various events, it is best to choose the most significant events. First of all it is on
Olympic Games
and in the second place on
World Championship
the highest form of jumpers is prepared (if these events take place in a given year), so here you should expect the greatest predictability of types. The next major events are
World Cup and four jumps tournament
. In the case of competitions organized as part of these tournaments, we can certainly count on television broadcasts, and a lot of useful information can be found in the public media. All this, of course, should make it easier for us to correctly bet on ski jumps.