Betting on the weather
Betting on the weather is an interesting niche in the betting industry, which in Poland is best managed by Betfan bookmaker. We check what the weather bets are and what you can type by choosing bets on temperature, wind or precipitation (rain, snow). Learn how to bet effectively bookmakers the weather and what to watch out for. We also wonder how the advancing climate changes affect this bookmaker's plot and how environmental protection and ecology relate to them.
What are weather bets?
Betting on the weather does not require a special definition – it's just about betting on the weather at the bookmaker., what will the weather be like at this time and place? . As in the case of sports betting, the bookmaker prepares a special offer of bets, that is, determines:
- subject of the bet – for example, in the category "precipitation" you can place a bet on how many days in October in Wroclaw it will rain;
- available types-the player can bet, for example, that rainfall will occur: 11 days and below or 12 days and above in the specified month (bet type under / over);
- betting odds on the above types.
The player's task, of course, is to correctly select the answer to the question about it, what weather forecast will work . And as usual, if the weather betting is correct, the bookmaker pays the typer a win, the value of which is the equivalent of the product of the odds of the BET and its rate (minus the value of the 12-percent gaming tax in force in Poland).
Betting on the weather – what will you bet on?
As for legal bookmakers bookmakers in Poland, the widest offer on weather phenomena has a bookmaker Betfan , although weather betting is also possible at other bookmakers. Betfan prepares betting on the weather within several categories, such as: temperature, precipitation (rain and snow) and wind. The offer can be found after entering the website of the betting operator in the tab "Entertainment" in the section "Weather" .
Now let's see exactly what the bets on the weather accepted on the Internet by the bookmaker Betfan looked like. All examples below are taken from the Betfan offer and are accompanied by authentic betting odds that were issued by the bookmaker in September 2021. Remember that in order to place betting bets at Betfan, you must create a player account online. In the registration form it is worth mentioning Betfan promo code and grab an attractive welcome bonus.
Temperature-sports betting in Betfan
Bookmaker Betfan in its permanent offer has betting on the weather, where players are asked about
the temperature in the next month
. Temperature betting is available for the largest cities in Poland, such as Warsaw, Wroclaw, Krakow or Gdansk, and is taken into account
average daily temperature for the whole month
- depending on the bet, the highest or lowest. For example, in September 2021, the bookmaker Betfan placed a bet on what will be the average highest daily temperature in Warsaw in October this year, where you can type selections: 14.0 ° C and below (odds 1.80) and 14.1 ° C and above (odds 1.80).
But bets on the height of the temperature offered by the bookmaker Betfan, also have a different form. For example, they are available on his betting site H2H weather betting such as, for example, " Kielce vs. Katowice, October 2021-higher average daily temperature”, where the rate for typ Kielce is 2.05, and for Katowice-1.60. In addition, in Betfan bets can relate special occasions so you can bet, for example, whether this year on Christmas Eve the temperature at noon in Warsaw will be on the plus side.
Precipitation – sports betting in Betfan
When it comes to betting on precipitation, Betfan primarily offers bets on rain, and in the winter season also on snow. Betting on rainfall in Betfan number of days with precipitation in a specific month and city. An example would be the following bet: whether in October 2021 in Szczecin the number of days in which rainfall will be 12 and below (rate 1.85) or 13 and above (rate 1.75). Bookmaker Betfan also offers betting, in which city from a certain pair of rain will fall more often for example, in Suwałki or Białystok. In a similar way, you can also type bets on snowfall.
Wind – sports betting in Betfan
Betfan bookmaker has a special category of bets regarding what the wind force will be. Again, you can bet under/over on this, will the average wind speed in the selected city be above or below a certain threshold in a given month . Importantly, this threshold is set for different cities individually, for example, at the same time it can be for Krakow 9.0 km / h, while for Rzeszow-13 km / h. bets on the weather in the context of wind can also take the form of Betfan H2H betting . In this case, Betfan may ask, for example, whether the strength of the wind (namely its average speed) in a given month will be higher in łódź (odds 1.35) or in Lublin (odds 2.70).
How to type betting on the weather and what to keep in mind?
Betting on the weather is so difficult that – as we know perfectly well – the weather can be very changeable and sometimes it surprises even the "oldest Mountaineers". Therefore, betting on the weather is best treated as a kind of Entertainment, which, of course, does not exclude the possibility that from time to time betting on the weather can bring a high win. To this end, betting on the weather, it is worth compare different forecasts and statistics and check them regularly . You can also explore, which weather forecast works best and follow its predictions. On the Internet you can find services presenting very detailed weather information for any place and time, advanced weather forecast is also provided by special mobile applications.
Unfortunately, you also need to remember that the weather forecast shows the greatest verifiability up to 3 days – predictions for a period of more than 7 days have much weaker results. Meanwhile, bookmakers accept bets on the weather with a fairly large, sometimes many months in advance. These are
long-term betting
, so the player must choose, for example, what will be the snowfall, how strong will be the wind or what will be the temperature in a month or even six months. Therefore, not only a weather forecast with high verifiability, but also hypersensitivity to weather changes, i.e. a condition called meteopathy, can do little to help when we are trying to correctly select this type of betting. For example, the weather in a month is often a mystery to us, and its betting can sometimes resemble a lottery. In addition, when we look at what weather betting offers Betfan bookmaker, we will also notice that the most common are
data from a longer period of time
(for example, what will be the average wind strength in a particular city during the whole month), which is an additional difficulty. Therefore, by placing bets on the weather,
it is worth checking the data from previous years
because they can provide us with valuable information and guidance. Sometimes it's worth trusting your own.
Another important issue is rapidly changing climate , which makes accurate weather forecast and thus correct weather betting become recently even more difficult to implement. So let's see how much the climate of our planet is changing and how scientists predict climate change will proceed. Let's also look at how in the context of such a serious topic as climate change, the bookmaking industry is much less important, but how interesting for our readers.
Global warming, that is, the temperature is constantly rising
The fact that global temperatures are rising is a scientific fact. - it is confirmed by precise measurements carried out since 1850. over the past 150 years, the increase in the average temperature of the Earth was close to 0.8 ° C, and in Europe even about 1 ° C., the climate of our planet is warming faster and faster "you just have to look at the measurements from the last few dozen years to understand that subsequent records are already becoming the norm. In Poland, after a record warm 2022, in which the average temperature according to IMGW was 9.46 ° C, there was an even warmer 2023, when the average temperature reached 10.2 ° C (an increase of as much as 0.7 ° C). The year 2020 was only slightly cooler in Poland (9.9 ° C), and it should be emphasized that in comparison with the years 1981 – 2010, the average temperature was still higher by as much as 1.6 ° C! Similar climate change is happening all over the world.
According to the researchers, data from the second half of the 20th and 21st centuries show that
the average temperature of the Earth's surface at that time grew at a rate of about 0.2 degrees Celsius per decade.
. According to many climate change experts,
already in the middle of the current century, the climate may be warmer by another 1.5 – 2 degrees Celsius, and by the end of it – even by 4 degrees Celsius.
To better understand this, let's think about the offer of bookmakers with$8. If climate change follows the alarming forecasts of climate change researchers, then one can imagine that in 30 years bookmakers will offer bets on the weather of the type: what will be the average highest daily temperature in Warsaw in October 2021, where the threshold will not be 14 ° C as now, but, for example, as much as 16 or 17 ° C! It is also more than likely that no bookmaker will then make betting available on whether the temperature will exceed 0 ° C on Christmas Eve.
Is climate change a $a?
Of course, there are those who claim that climate change has benefits. After all, history shows that warmer temperatures do not harm us too much – in contrast to the cold periods, which carry hunger and disease (trivializing: after all, it is known that it is better for us to be warm than cold). When it comes to betting on the weather, the constant and predictable increase in temperature can only mean easier for players to type and collect winnings from bookmakers... But let's get serious about climate change.
It is not so colorful. Climate change, even if it brings some benefits (e.g. fewer winter deaths due to frost), they are only temporary and limited, in turn its the negative effects are much more numerous and serious . Any, even a small increase in temperature translates into problems in areas such as water resources, agriculture or the functioning of the global economy. So let's take a look at how specifically the changing climate affects the environment (air quality, water quality, fauna and flora, etc.), weather (snow, rain, wind) and our existence.
What are the effects of climate change?
The changing climate is causing serious changes at many levels of the functioning of our planet, and in some areas they are irreversible. Climate change is causing the polar ice caps to melt, and this results in
sea level rise and coastal flooding
(including coastal cities). On the other hand
deserts are taking up more and more areas
our planet. They are also increasingly appearing
violent weather events
: heavy rain, hurricane-force winds, destructive storms, heavy snow where it has almost never occurred (and its absence where it normally occurs at a given time) or heat waves that are difficult to withstand.
So far, bookmakers in Poland do not provide in their offer bookmakers that directly relate to how the climate is changing. However, it does not seem impossible that soon one or another bookmaker will add to the Offer, For example, such bookmaking bets: whether in the coming winter snow will fall at all, for example, in łódź, or whether there will be an orc wind in Poland next year (that is, a destructive wind with a speed exceeding 33 m/s).
Unfortunately all the extreme weather events mentioned above have very negative consequences . Torrential rains often trigger floods that destroy the environment and the infrastructure created by people and their property. Hot temperatures cause droughts, fires in forests, meadows and built-up areas. Storms and strong winds wreak havoc wherever they occur, including building disasters. All these events cause the death of a huge number of people and animals, various health problems and serious material losses. It is also associated with losses to the economies of individual countries, especially the agricultural, forestry, energy and tourism sectors. Let us not forget that the fauna and flora of the Earth from year to year is radically impoverished. In these thematic areas, bookmakers probably will not go and do not expect that when, for example, our country will be hit by prolonged, heavy rains, some bookmaker will offer players betting on whether the rain will cause the "flood of the century". This topic is simply too serious.
What causes climate change?
It's time for a brief explanation of why the climate on our globe has changed so much in recent decades (and continues to change). The main culprit of this state of affairs is the growing industrial activity of the C$sheep, the side effect of which is
greenhouse gas emissions to the planet's atmosphere
. Most of the damage is caused by energy, transport and industry, but also individual households. To one
they burn the most fuel
, i.e. oil, coal and natural gas, and thus release carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere. The increase in greenhouse gases is also from deforestation, mass livestock farming, the widespread use of nitrogen fertilizers in agriculture, and the use of fluorinated gases in industry.
These activities contribute to an increase in the amount of various gases in the atmosphere (mainly carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and fluorinated greenhouse gases), which form something like the roof of the greenhouse . Thus, they allow the sun's rays to penetrate and reach its surface, but they retain some of this radiation, as a result of which the climate warms. However, it should be added that due to the gases produced as a side effect of the activity of c$oviek, not only does the global temperature rise, and thus the climate change, but also polluted air . Smog, in turn, contributes to an increase in the incidence of many diseases, exacerbates their course and causes many premature deaths. The environment also suffers from smog – just as people get sick of animals and plants.
It is true that bookmakers do not offer bets on air quality yet, but you can always submit an offer to your own bookmaker (Betfan bookmaker also has such an option). A bet on which African city will have the most smog on Christmas Eve or if any will have clean air at all... why not?
Climate change and air pollution
It is worth explaining here that air pollution and climate change are two different, though often confused, issues. This probably comes from the fact that both low air quality and climate change have a common source (power plants, cars, etc.), but the substances that cause them are different. Clean air is polluted not by gases such as carbon dioxide or methane, but mainly by suspended dust and associated toxic substances (e.g. benzopyrene), as well as nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone or carbon monoxide. The air contaminated with these substances creates direct threat to the health of C$sheep "there is a harmful' here and now ' and it motivates people to fight smog, while climate change has negative long-term effects.
On the other hand, it should be noted that air quality and climate change are quite strongly related. According to the forecasts of researchers the air in the cities will gradually deteriorate also due to climate change . For example, a higher temperature increases the maximum level of ozone in the air and prolongs its shelf life. There is also the other side of the medal. At the same time, the various actions taken to combat climate change make the air cleaner (e.g. planting trees and increasing green spaces in cities).
Environmental Protection and ecology
A changing climate or heavily polluted air not only affects the quality of our lives, but also the entire environment of our planet. Its further degradation, as the researchers predict, could mean total disaster, and the only solution is introducing radical changes in the global economy and people's habits (ecology every day). In order to effectively strive for climate neutrality (in accordance with the EU 2050 strategy) or to ensure that the climate does not warm up at the current rate, it is necessary to comprehensively protect the environment, i.e. focus on renewable energy sources (res), rational management of the planet's resources (sustainable development), recycling, etc.
Since it is the burning of fossil fuels that pollutes the environment and warms the climate, it should become especially important
renewable energy
. RES is included Photovoltaics( solar energy), wind energy, hydropower, biomass (biofuels) or geothermal energy. No matter what kind of renewable energy sources we have in mind, they are all based on renewable raw materials. So, whether we get energy from the sun (photovoltaics), wind, water, etc.. we can not exhaust them (at least not for long). Not only does renewable energy keep the climate from warming so fast, it also improves air quality and reduces waste, so the environment benefits in many ways. Wind farms are also coming to Poland, and photovoltaics and heat pumps are becoming an increasingly popular solution for heating homes. The share of RES in electricity production in our country is constantly increasing and, according to government plans, it is expected to reach a minimum of 23% by 2030 (with a minimum of 32% in the electricity sector). Poles themselves are also increasingly choosing renewable energy sources-taking care of clean air, the environment and/or finances (for example, according to a study from the beginning of 2021, most homeowners plan to install photovoltaic panels in the next few years). The development of the RES industry in Poland is therefore evident, and the environment and air only benefit from this. Perhaps soon some bookmaker will provide betting on when in Poland it is renewable energy sources that will be the most popular way of obtaining energy.
Ecology and betting
Environmental Protection and ecology are beginning to have a stronger voice not only thanks to the efforts of scientists, but also the actions of various organizations and activists. One of the most famous figures of the ecological movement is Greta Thunberg in 2022, as a 15-year-old, she started a protest outside the Swedish parliament, demanding that the government fulfill specific demands. She is an extremely active activist, thanks to which environmental protection and ecology have become a priority for many young people around the globe (she initiated the Youth Climate strike.
Greta Thunberg has also received many prestigious awards, including Time magazine's C$sheep of the year, and in 2021 she was nominated for The Nobel Peace Prize . Her chances of winning this award are not small at all – at least, so the bookies believe. One of them is the bookmaker Betfan, which offered players betting on who will win the Nobel in this category. Although the WHO has the best chances, in second place is a young activist-the bookmaker determined the odds on her winning at 4.0 (as of September 2021). This shows the importance that ecology and Environmental Protection are now gaining – action in their favor is finally beginning to be appreciated, and this is also shown by bookmakers.