Yield, or are you playing profitably?
Yield this is a concept that every typist should know – including those who are just entering the world of betting. High yield it means that the game actually brings profits and these are those that are at a satisfactorily high level. Negative yield in turn, this is a signal to increase vigilance, to think about your game, which is clearly unprofitable. Yield so it is a very useful indicator of the profitability of the game and, importantly, it is not difficult to calculate. How to do this and what to pay attention to, we explain in this article.
Yield - what's that?
Yield in South Africa we can translate from English as performance either yield or yield. Concept yiel d it was taken from the world of finance, where it was used to determine whether and how much a given investment is worth. What he tells us yield calculated from the betting odds? By analogy, here yield also indicates how profitable or unprofitable it was to bet on specific bookmakers . In other words, with this indicator we can know percentage of profit or loss generated by the game .
It must be remembered that a reliable yield this is the one used to calculate a larger number of bets placed in the long run. Only such knowledge can tell, how effective a typist is a person . Yield it is a very significant indicator, and counting its value is not difficult.
How to calculate the value yield ?
To find out what he is yield for a specific bet pool, you must have 2 values. The first is the sum of profits, the second-the sum of all bets (bets won and lost). For formality, let us recall that the profit is not equal to the amount of the win, since the value of the bet placed must be subtracted from it. When we calculate how much these 2 factors are, just substitute them into the following formula: (sum of profits / sum of stakes) * 100% . This will give you a percentage that is yield .
For example, let's say we placed 10 bets, each at $ 5 and at odds of 2.0. Let's also assume that 6 bets were hit, which means the player's effectiveness was quite a lot, because 60%. How effective was the game in this case? After substituting the data into the formula for yield we'll find that:
The sum of profits is: (6 * (5 $ * 2,0)) – (10 * 5) = 10 $ (total wins less total bets)
The sum of the bets is: 10 * 5 = 50 $
Yield this: 10 / 50 * 100% = 20%
What do these numbers tell us? Now
20% means that we have gained 20% of the amount played
. Everything is correct, because the budget we introduced into the game was $ 50, and the profit obtained is $ 10, which is 20% of our original capital. However,
can be negative
? Of course, if the game brings losses, then the profitability of the bets placed is negative, as well as
in the meantime, it makes a profit). For
of the bets placed for the total bet, for example, $ 100 is -10%, That is, we lost $10 on the game in general. It can also happen that the balance goes to zero: after placing a certain number of bets, we did not gain, but we also did not lose anything. In this case
will be zero
Because yield it is calculated for a larger number of bets, typists often use spreadsheets with a special formula for this purpose, that is, the so-called. calculator yield .
Why calculate yield ?
The conclusions are simple. High yield means that bookmakers brought by the typer are very profitable, in turn the lower yield , the game is less profitable. Therefore, knowledge of how this indicator is formed should be extremely important for anyone who approaches the game professionally. Good yield it assures us that we actually invest the funds allocated to the game well and not only our effectiveness is in order, but also we choose the bet rates correctly. If yiel d is low, but positive, it is not bad – on the game we certainly do not lose, but it is worth considering, what can be done even better . While yield negative is like an alarm. : note, the game does not bring the expected effects, check why, analyze what the problem is, change something and do not go into it further. Of course, such radical conclusions cannot be drawn on the basis of a few bets or a short period of time.
Analyzing the bets placed in this way, you can come to useful conclusions about
betting on different types of bets
. For example, you can check which
we profit from bets placed on specific disciplines
Sports, What
it may prompt us to concentrate on betting on those sports for which the value has recently been
the highest. Another interesting option is
compare what it is
bets with different price ranges. This procedure may show whether
lower odds bets in the long run
time is more or less
profitable from bets with higher odds.
In addition, players also like compare your own yield with what values other typers achieve . However, it must be remembered that this is not a sufficient and fully reliable indicator of the skills of the typist.
What affects the height yield ?
Why yield can not serve as an independent indicator of assessing the effectiveness of betting typing? This is because the value of this meter is influenced by many other factors, m.in. number of types wagered, type of used betting and the amount of bets placed. Let's analyze one at a time.
Yield and the number of bets
W prypadek when we calculate a small number of bets, our yield it may be high, but it will also be subject to very large fluctuations . The more bets we take into account, the harder it will be to keep a high yield because missed bets greatly reduce its value. In order for the calculations to be as reliable as possible, it is necessary to put minimum of several dozen bets (at least 50, but that may not be enough.) It is quite low (but positive). yield obtained by betting a large number of types, it can in fact bring a larger nominal profit than a small group of high-value bets yield . Bookmakers you can do this bet in different ways, but if the bet being analyzed is the same all the time (e.g. $ 5 every time), then it does not matter for the value yield . The point is that if we bet, for example, 10 hit and 5 lost bets, then if in 1 Series the bet of each bet is $ 10 and in a similar series (with the same parameters) the bet of each bet is $100, yield for both series will be identical.
Yield and the level of stakes
Let's move on to the impact of the system. betting na yield a player. From what has already been said, it is clear that flat rate is a system betting ideal to check your yield . Worse is when the typer bets in a progressive way, mixes different systems betting or simply puts very different rates, not applying any system. In such a situation yield it will not give us clear and reliable information about how good players we are. If we assume that the odds of the bets placed will be the same (so as not to unnecessarily complicate the situation), then the analysis will show that with different betting rates, the most important thing is whether the high stakes bets were won . Let's take a look at this example – for simplicity, let's consider only 4 bookmakers on course 2.0.
Bet no | Rate | Result 1 | Result 2 | Result 3 |
1 | 2 $ | win | loss | loss |
2 | 5 $ | win | win | loss |
3 | 8 $ | loss | win | win |
4 | 10 $ | loss | loss | win |
Yield | – 44% | + 4% | + 44% |
As you can clearly see, in this case, the number of hit events is not the most important. In the above example, each time the player manages to bet 2 wins on 4 bookmakers (50% efficiency), however high
he only wins when he hits the 2 bets with the highest stakes. When the average bets are correctly selected, the yield is much lower (although still positive), while if the winnings come from bets with lower odds, the yield is negative.
For comparison, placing 4 bets with a flat bet system (at the same bet rate), we would not be doomed to such instability. With the same number of hits always yield he would have to keep the same level.
Yield a betting odds
As you can guess, as with the stakes, too keeping the same or similar odds value guarantees a reliable value result yield . Let's imagine that for analysis we take bets with the same bet, for example, $ 2, but at different odds .
Bet no | Course | Result 1 | Result 2 | Result 3 |
1 | 2,0 | win | loss | loss |
2 | 2,0 | win | win | loss |
3 | 3,0 | loss | win | win |
4 | 3,0 | loss | loss | win |
Yield | 0% | + 25% | + 50% |
At 50% of the player's effectiveness, hitting lower odds does not translate into high
(it is zero). However, when high odds bets (result 3) are won, then
it also turns out to be high. In this simplified example, this is somewhat justified – usually high-odds bets are more difficult to correctly select, so their hit indicates the effectiveness of the player. But it's about something else. If you place a series of bets with low odds, and even 1 bet with very high odds, then the value
it will depend first of all on the latter, while low-rate bets will be of little importance. Therefore, the combined analysis of bets with high and low odds is not the best way out –
it is better to calculate the value
for bets with similar betting odds
What yield that's good. yield ?
When asked about which
it is a good result, it is not easy to answer, and opinions on this matter are strongly divided. At first, it may seem that it is enough to
it was positive, because it means that the typer is on the plus side, and the game brings more or less profits. However, it should be noted that
bookmaker betting
it also requires
the sacrifice of his time, involves mental effort and often strongly pulls the nerves of the typist
. So if for many months we devote energy and time to the game,
at a level of 2%, for example, it should not be satisfactory for us. To illustrate this, let's say our game Budget is $ 10,000. $ , for six months we bet hundreds of bets, after which it turns out that our profit is $200. Well, it's hard to believe that this result-although actually positive – is a good one.
Yield , which is considered a high score for advanced typers is minimum 10% . Of course, there are higher values, but very rarely they exceed 15%. Let's note at once that we are talking about the long term and hundreds of bets placed. However, when it comes to yield higher than 20%, this is already a value that is not found in this type of analysis. So high yield it can, of course, appear when we take a small number of bets for analysis, for example, at the beginning of creating statistics. However, over time yield it will naturally decrease. Therefore, you must be aware that yield after 1000 bets of e.g. 8% is a great result, while for a much smaller number of types e.g. 200 is good yield it should be at least 12%. Let's also remember that these values are purely estimates, and what's more, they concern the best players. Less experienced typists should treat it as something worth striving for, because it is simply achievable. These numbers are also extremely important if we are interested in paid types. Then we should definitely pay attention to yield the typer and the number of bets for which it was calculated.
Yield - the most important conclusions
As you can see, the issue under discussion is not as simple as the formula for yield . Even if we already know, what is it yield and how to calculate it, we should remember a few key things. Firstly sam yield it does not say how effective the player is. - additional information is needed to determine this (e.g. how many bets were placed, for what period of time, at what odds or what their rates were).
So how to choose bookmakers to calculate on their basis
was it reliable, and the player could get reliable information, or was it playing in a profitable way? As already mentioned, it is best if the typer
flat rate system
, possibly in another, but stable way (for example, the system can be checked
modulated, however, it already requires a lot of experience in betting). Also
betting odds should be placed in a fairly narrow range
, so that bets with extreme odds values do not obscure the overall picture of the profitability of the game.
The number of bets should be high
from 50 upwards. If there are not enough bets, there is little chance that the result will be reliable – even a simple luck in the game can falsify the analysis of how effective the typer is. A small number of bets is also characterized by the fact that each subsequent bet included in the calculations can greatly change the yield value. On the other hand, a large number of types in the conducted statistics means greater stability and reliability of the yield value.