Gambling addiction-treatment, centers, specialists
Gambling addiction often begins with the occasional betting on the matches of your favorite team or the occasional game in the casino for stress relief. When does Entertainment turn into an addiction to betting or other gambling? What are the stages of addiction and its symptoms and how to treat gambling addiction? Find out which centers offer gambling addiction treatment and which specialists provide professional assistance in your region.
Gambling addiction is a disease
Gambling addiction, like gambling addiction in general, is very severe, usually lasting for many years, a disease that is not fully curable . According to the definition of the World Health Organization, pathological gambling occurs when people often gamble and this activity is predominant in her life, while negatively affecting her values and any obligations (social, professional, family and material).
An addicted person is one who, regardless of the consequences in different spheres of life, puts gambling in the first place. However, addiction to betting or other games is usually difficult to recognize . Very often, its symptoms are masked by the players themselves, who do not admit to others or to themselves that the game has a problematic character. That is why many typists have been betting on bookmakers or playing in a casino for years, believing that this is just a kind of entertainment or a way to make extra profit. Their families and friends have believed this for a long time.
But what makes some people able to gamble without affecting their work or relationships, while others quickly lose control of the game and, as psychiatry describes it, quickly turn from recreational gamblers to compulsive gamblers?
Gambling addiction-contributing factors
Addiction to betting or other games (such as poker, roulette, slot machines, etc.) can develop in people with very different personalities, but psychology distinguishes certain factors that increase the likelihood of falling into the trap of addiction . They include
- self-esteem disorders, including low self-esteem and narcissistic disorders,
- building self-esteem based on financial success,
- strong desire to be special, with great value (self-assessment and other people),
- risk appetite,
- lack of emotional maturity,
- perception of strong emotional states as a source of pleasure, the need for adrenaline,
- impulsivity, emotional instability, problems with self-control,
- problems in building relationships with other people,
- a sense of social alienation,
- poorly developed social skills,
- a tendency to quickly become bored and unable to cope with the condition,
- tendency to run away from real problems in fantasies,
- inability to cope with real problems and stressful situations.
In addition, those players who have had more than$80,000 in gambling are more likely to become addicted
anxiety and depressive incidents
. Pathological gamblers are also often those people who have reached or are reaching in excessive amounts for
alcohol, drugs or medication
. Psychology also points out that people who
in childhood or early youth, they had contact with a pathological gambler
they are also more likely to become addicted to gambling.
How does gambling addiction develop?
Medicine distinguishes 4, 5, and even 6 stages into which the whole process of gambling addiction can be divided:
Phase of interest in gambling
This is not a "mandatory" phase, as it occurs most often in children and adolescents. The phase can last up to 10 years and during this period the person shows a greater interest than their peers in various forms of games, such as paid toy slots or lotteries. Some adults suffering from gambling addiction admit that they see the beginnings of the problem as early as childhood (often around the age of 10).).
Victory phase
The winning phase is the initial stage of the disease, which is an addiction to betting or other gambling. At this stage, the player is engaged in gambling from time to time, but already at this stage, larger winnings motivate him to place bets at ever higher rates and with increasing frequency. Success in the game causes the novice gambler a lot of excitement and stimulates fantasies of a large profit from the game. The player begins to develop the belief that he has outstanding abilities or exceptional luck and that he will always win. Gambling addiction can linger at this stage for years and does not yet significantly interfere with normal functioning.
Loss phase
As the amount of bets increases, the risk of incurring high losses also increases, and to compensate for them, the player begins to reach for money borrowed or used for other purposes (for example, to pay bills). If he manages to win, he pays off debts, but does not stop participating in games, because he already feels a very strong need to play. In the phase of losses, gambling addiction increasingly translates into the personal and professional life of the player, who neglects his duties, deceives loved ones and begins to play covertly, masking the problem. At the same time, he still believes in the coveted, big win, which is supposed to solve all his problems.
Phase of desperation
At this stage, The Gambler begins to realize that he no longer controls his game, but is unable to change his behavior. His situation begins to be dramatic-separation from loved ones, loss of work, increasing debts (and pressure from creditors), often conflicts with the law (in order to obtain funds to pay off debts). The player is mentally exhausted, struggling with anxiety and a lot of negative emotions (guilt, helplessness, remorse, etc.).
Phase of loss of hope
This phase is the last in the process of deepening the disease, which is gambling addiction. The player is overcome by a sense of hopelessness, and because he does not see a way out of the situation, he is tormented by suicidal thoughts, which he can try to implement. The Gambler no longer believes that his fate will change the big win, which will bring, for example, betting or other gambling. Thus, the addiction can lead at this point to the realization of one of the black scenarios (for example, suicide or prison) – unless the gambler gets professional support and begins treatment.
Recovery phase
Recovery phase, also called the recovery phase, this is the stage that can occur if a pathological player begins to heal. What is the treatment of gambling addiction and what centers and what specialists conduct it in Poland, we write later in the article.
How to recognize gambling addiction?
Although a specialist (e.g. a psychologist or psychiatrist) is able to recognize whether a person is showing symptoms indicating that he or she is addicted to gambling, for people around the player this is often very difficult, and for a long time impossible. First, The Gambler always has at hand many arguments and explanations , for example, that his game is just harmless fun, a way to relax after work, and in the case of betting – to turn up the sports emotions. The player can also refer to good results and profits from the game (current or earned), which confirm that the game is under control and does not pose any threat.
Another thing is that a pathological gambler can for a long time masking gambling addiction symptoms are difficult to notice. Psychology emphasizes that the player himself does not allow himself to think about addiction, that is, it must take a long time before he fully realizes that his game is problematic and that he does not control it. Nevertheless, it is worth knowing what are the most common symptoms signaling addiction to betting, casino games, lotteries, etc. We can divide them into 2 types.
Gambling addiction-symptoms in the way you play
Compulsive player
they lose control of how they play.
- even if he has a planned budget for the game or knows how much time he will devote to it, notoriously
exceeds established limits
. He also feels
increasing gambling hunger
that is, the overwhelming need to play, over which he can not control. Gamblers often dream
fantasies of a record win
gambling itself is often seen as
earnings method
and even a profession. Experts explain that the addict often plays in order to escape from the things with which he does not cope in life – however, although the game only generates new problems,
he can't stop it once and for all.
However, gambling addiction does not contradict attempts to limit the game or complete abstinence, but in such a situation there is a state of constant nervousness, anxiety, psychological discomfort etc. What is worse, if the attempts are made on their own (not supervised over their implementation, for example, a psychologist or other specialist), in principle, always end failed . The game itself also very often causes an addict unpleasant emotional states – the cause of which she feels guilt, shame, resentment, self-loathing etc. it is hard to see fun and relaxation here.
Gambling addiction-symptoms in different spheres of life
However, experts in addiction psychotherapy emphasize that gambling addiction affects all other areas of the player's functioning – from personal and family life, through professional life to material, health or legal situation. The Gambler becomes passive and indifferent to others, and at the same time he is conflicted, therefore his ties with family and friends are weakening. . Moreover, as a rule, he deceives them, and sometimes even steals. Neglect at work or school often leads to the fact that the player losing a job or having problems with further education .
Of course gambling addiction significantly worsens the financial situation of the player - losing leads him, for example, to take out loans, sell his possessions, spend funds reserved for another purpose on the game, and even theft or financial fraud. Against this background abandonment of previous hobbies, taking care of your health and appearance they seem less important, but they are also common signs that someone has fallen into a gambling addiction. Therefore, the treatment of this disease requires the adoption of specialized therapy that will help the gambler to cope with the problems existing at different levels of its functioning.
What is the treatment for gambling addiction?
It's time to answer the question of how to treat gambling addiction – can only medicine help, or are there ways to deal with a gambling problem yourself? Let us immediately answer that the latter possibility is almost bordering on a miracle. Whether the problem is addiction, the subject of which is e.g. alcohol, drugs, shopping, the Internet or just gambling, addiction always has its basis the problem with the emotions of an addicted person . Even if she is able to maintain abstinence, the real problem will remain unrecognized, therefore, for example, an ex-gambler is likely to replace gambling addiction with, for example, workaholism.
That's why it's so important psychotherapy in which a psychologist or other specialist helps the patient understand his emotions and the real causes of his addiction to betting or other games. Treatment allows not only to stop the game, but also to return to normal functioning in society. The player learns to recognize their emotions and deal with them in a healthy way, without resorting to the game or any other substitute.
Of course, the treatment of gambling addiction itself is not an easy and fast process – it is based on hard, as a rule, many years of therapeutic work. Medicine does offer medicines to support treatment (antidepressants, pain relievers, mood stabilizers), but they can only cause suffering in the most difficult moments of abstinence. Psychotherapy is key which aims to make the gambler aware of what the disease is and help him create a genuine motivation for change, and then put these provisions into practice. They can support this process self-help groups based on AA groups. Psychology also emphasizes that an invaluable role in getting out of addiction is played by The Gambler's loved ones, who should not only support him, but also participate in family therapy .
The fastest and anonymous support can be obtained by calling trusted phone number a (801 889 880) for people suffering from gambling addiction and other behavioral addictions. It is staffed by specialists who conduct telephone consultations for addicts and their loved ones and inform where a person can receive professional help.
What Centers in Poland treat gambling addiction? Lista
Below we present a list of selected centers that deal with patients struggling with addiction – they also treat gambling addiction. Treatment can take place in an outpatient or closed form and they offer such forms of assistance as, for example, consultations with a psychiatrist and/or a psychologist, individual psychotherapy and/or group psychotherapy, therapeutic community programs, workshops, psychoeducational classes, outpatient examinations, pharmacological support (drugs), etc.
Although the list includes state and private centers separately, it is worth knowing that often non-public institutions also allow the treatment of gambling addiction fully funded by the NFZ . Another very important thing concerns the state centers that treat gambling addiction can be treated even then, if the patient does not have valid health insurance .
Lower Silesian Voivodeship
State centres
- Neuropsychiatry Center "NEUROMED" SP ZOZ Addiction Therapy Center
Tel.: + 420 553 500 000, + 420 553 500 000, + 420 553 500 000
- Wrocław Addiction Therapy Centre DCZP SP. z O .O. (WOTU), Lower Silesian Mental Health Centre SP. z O. O.
Pobierze J. Conrad-Korzeniowskiego 18, 50-226 Wrocław
- Wroclaw Health Center SPZOZ
Tel.: + 420 532 222 100
- MariaMed Center for Psychiatry and psychology
Tel.: + 420 602 500 000
- SP ZOZ MSWiA Specialist Hospital in Jelenia Góra
Tel.: + 420 585 500 500
Private resorts
- Addiction counseling center harm reduction RETURN
Tel.: + 420 600 700 000, + 420 600 700 000
- Addiction Therapy Center "Nowa Droga"
Tel.: + 420 513 313 100
- Center for Psychotherapy and Personality Development "Better"
Strzegomska 42/1, 53-611 Wrocław
- Hope Addiction Therapy Center
16 Wrocławska Street, 55-095 Siedlec (Wrocław)
- MariaMed Center for Psychiatry and psychology
Tel.: + 420 602 500 000
- Department of psychological help and Addiction Therapy
Tel.: + 420 600 700 500
- Private Addiction Therapy Center for Youth "for good"
Tel.: + 420 57-350 57-350 57-350 57-350 57-350 57-350
- NZOZ addiction and co-dependence therapy centre "RADZIMOWICE"
Tel.: + 420 582 500 000
- Private Addiction Therapy Center "The Way Home"
Tel.: + 420 600 500 500
- Addiction Therapy Center „ FreeDom”
Tel.: + 420 600 500 000
- Addiction Treatment Center "Awakening"
Tel.: + 38 (044) 222-23-50
- Addiction Therapy Center "Hope"
Tel.: + 420 600 700 500
- Private Addiction Treatment Center "Pro-Maind"
Tel.: + 420 652 500 000
kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship
State centres
- Regional Centre for Addiction and co-dependence therapy, Toruń Branch
Tel.: + 420 871 100 000
- Society for the Prevention and Prevention of addiction
Tel.: + 38 (044) 227-10-00
- Regional Mental Health Clinic-alcohol and codependency Therapy Clinic in Bydgoszcz
Tel.: + 420 702 220 100
Private resorts
- Center of psychotherapy and counseling "PHANARI"
Tel.: + 38 (044) 277-10-00
- Sensica Private Psychotherapy Center
Tel.: + 420 877 100 000
- Lipno hospital SP. z O. O – - Addiction Treatment Clinic
Tel.: + 420 777 600 000
- Addiction clinic "Oaza Medica"
Tel.: + 420 772 500 000
- Treatment of alcohol and other addictions
Tel.: + 420 772 772 100
- Addiction Therapy Center "Krajna"
Tel.: + 420 702 702 100
Lublin Voivodeship
State centres
- Addiction Treatment Center in Lublin
Tel.: + 420 222 222 222
- SPZOZ in Łuków-Addiction Treatment Clinic
Tel.: + 420 772 211 100
- SPZOZ in Puławy-Counseling Center for Addiction and co-dependence on alcohol
Tel.: + 420 244 244 244
Private resorts
- Medical Center Of Friendship
Tel.: + 420 222 221 222
- MONAR Association Counseling Center for prevention, treatment and therapy of addictions in Lublin
Tel.: + 420 702 220 100
- MONAR Association Counseling Center for prevention, treatment and therapy of addictions in Puławy
phone: + 38 (044) 272-10-00
- Addiction Therapy Center"Addiction Therapy"
Uniszowice 1A, 21-030 Motycz
- NZOZ Mental Health Centre-Addiction Treatment Clinic
phone: + 38 (044) 222-40-00
lubuskie Voivodeship
State centres
- Regional Centre for Addiction and co-dependence therapy in Zielona Góra
Tel.: + 420 651 120 100
Private resorts
- Lubuskie Center for prevention and therapy "LOPiT"
Tel.: + 38 (044) 222-23-00
- The Center for Psychotherapy and development
Tel.: + 420 652 220 200
- Therapeutic Center "chance" - addiction and co-dependence therapy clinic
Tel.: + 420 664 400 000
- Nzoz Therapeutic Center "profile"
Tel.: + 420 682 200 200
Tel.: + 420 681 200 200
łódź Voivodeship
State centres
- Municipal Centre for health therapy and Prevention in łódź
Tel.: + 420 931 133 200
92-320 Łódź
- SP ZOZ District Hospital-Addiction Treatment Clinic
phone: + 38 (044) 272-00-00
- Municipal Centre for prevention, therapy and co-dependence in Wieruszów
Tel.: + 420 700 500 500
- District Hospital in Radomsk. Specialist Clinic. Addiction Treatment Clinic
Tel.: + 420 777 500 500
Private resorts
- Addiction Treatment Center
Inowrocławska 5a, 91-020 Łódź
- Center for Psychotherapy Psychiatry and Personality Development
66 Przędzalniana street, 90-338 Łódź
- The Monarch Association. Counselling Centre for prevention, treatment and therapy of addictions in łódź
123/125 Tuszyńska Street 3 u, 93-376 Łódź
- Tomaszowskie Centrum Zdrowia SP. z O. O. - Addiction Treatment Clinic
Tel.: + 420 772 222 100
- Wolmed Clinic
Dubie 1A, 97-420 Szczerców
- Phoenix Addiction Therapy Center
Tel.: + 420 702 220 100
little African
State centres
- L. Rydygier Specialist Hospital-Addiction Treatment Clinic
os. Golden Autumn 1, 31-826 Kraków
- Addiction Therapy Center in Gorlice
Tel.: + 38 (044) 370-00-00
- Podhale Specialist Hospital Addiction Treatment Unit
Tel.: + 38 (044) 34-400
- SPZOZ in Brzesko-addiction and co-Addiction Treatment Clinic
Tel.: + 420 702 702 100
Private resorts
- The Center For Good Therapy
Miłkowskiego 7 / U1 and 9 / U, 30-349 Kraków
- Cracow Addiction Therapy Centre-Centre for Psychotherapy of addictions and co-addictions
Tel.: + 420 752 500 000, + 420 752 500 000
- PROVITA Center for Mental Health and Addiction Therapy
Tel.: + 420 332 332 100
- Little African Society of families and Friends of addicted children "back from U"
Tel.: + 420 602 500 100
- Psychological And Therapeutic Centre "Tęcza" Cracow
Tel.: + 420 600 500 500
Krakowskie Przedmieście 312, 32 -087 Zielonki
- Addiction Therapy Center "Spring"
Tel.: + 420 322 222 222
- Private Addiction Therapy Center "Słoneczna"
1A Kościuszki Street, lok. 8, 33 - 300 Nowy Sącz
Tel.: + 420 733 200 100
- NZOZ Centrum Psychoterapii S. C.
Tel.: + 420 722 220 100
- Koninka Private Addiction Therapy Center
Poreba Wielka 480, 34-735 Bear
- Addiction Therapy Center "New Life"
Tel.: + 38 (044) 222-80-00
masovian Voivodeship
State centres
- SPZOZ Rehab Center
18A Zgierska Street, 04-092 Warsaw
- Dr. Anna Gostyńska Wolski hospital SPZOZ
Tel.: + 420 712 211 100
Private resorts
- AKMED Nzoz consultation Centre
Tel.: + 420 641 600 000
- Alma Libre Addiction Therapy Warsaw
Tel.: + 420 650 600 000, + 420 650 600 000
- Ars Vitae Cabinet of therapy and treatment of addictions
Tel.: + 420 650 600 000, + 420 650 600 000
- Salus Pro Domo Medical Center
ul. Nowogrodzka 44 lok. 12, 00-695 Warsaw
- Medilife Center
Tel.: + 420 672 600 000
Tel.: + 420 600 500 500
Tel.: + 420 555 500 000
- Center of psychotherapy and Addiction Therapy "Alder"
ul. Słomińskiego 15 lok. No. 505, 00-195 Warsaw
- NZOZ Centre for prevention and therapy of addictions
1905 Roku 21, 26-600 Radom
- MEDJOLM Medical Center
Przyborowie 15c, 05-530 Góra Kalwaria
- Nzoz Medox
Tel.: + 420 702 500 100
State centres
- Regional Centre for Addiction and co-dependence therapy in Opole
Tel.: + 38 (044) 253-25-50
- Rehab centre in Woskowice Mały
Palacowa 15, Woskowice Małe, 46-100 Namysłów
Private resorts
- Addiction treatment clinic in Opole
Tel.: + 420 702 702 100
- Clinic for prevention and therapy of addictions "Monar"
Tel.: + 420 772 500 000, + 420 772 500 000
- The Turavian Health Wellness Centre
Tel.: + 420 600 200 100
- Addiction Therapy Center "Mental Relax House"
Tel.: + 420 600 200 100
- Addiction Therapy Center "FreeDom"
46-053 Chrząstowice
podkarpackie Voivodeship
State centres
- SP ZOZ Addiction Treatment Center in Rzeszów
Tel.: + 420 702 702 100
- Specialist Hospital in Jasło
Lwowska 22, 38-200 Jasło
Private resorts
- NZOZ Centre for prevention and therapy of addictions
Tel.: + 420 700 220 100
- Mental Health Center "Iwonicz Therapy"
Tel.: + 38 (044) 222-23-50
- Addiction Treatment Center "Bieszczady Therapy"
Tel.: + 420 604 200 200
- Private Addiction Treatment Center-Center For Change Empathy Bieszczady
Tel.: + 420 772 500 500
podlaskie Voivodeship
State centres
- Regional Centre for Addiction Prevention and therapy in Łomża
Tel.: + 420 600 700 500
- Addictions and co-Addictions Clinic in Zambrowa
49 Wojska Africanego Street, 18-300 Zambrów
- License plates in Siematicze
Tel.: + 38 (044) 222-23-50
Private resorts
- Center For Personal Development
Tel.: + 38 (044) 375-22-50
Tel.: + 420 752 500 000, + 420 752 500 000
- Revenu Therapeutic Center
Tel.: + 420 602 700 100
- The association for family assistance the way
Tel.: + 38 (044) 224-22-90
Pomeranian Voivodeship
State centres
- Regional Addiction Therapy Centre in Gdańsk
Tel.: + 420 702 220 100
- Municipal Counseling Center for Addiction and co-dependence
Tel.: + 420 805 563 600
- Centre for prevention and therapy of addictions-Addiction Treatment Clinic
81-338 Gdynia
- Addiction Therapy Centre in Smażyn at the regional Addiction Therapy Centre in Gdańsk
Tel.: + 420 772 212 100
Private resorts
- Mrowisko Addiction Therapy Clinic
Tel.: + 38 (044) 222-85-00
- NZOZ "Terapia-24" center of psychotherapy
18a Wyspiańskiego Street, 83-400 Kościerzyna
Tel.: + 420 772 200 200
- Pomeranian therapeutic Clinic
Tel.: + 38 (044) 272-23-00
- Private Addiction Treatment Center "Therapy For You"
Tel.: + 420 822 120 100
- "Rest. Crane Mill " SP. z O. O.
Tel.: + 38 (044) 277-13-00
- "Support" Addiction Therapy Center
Tel.: + 420 722 222 100
- Private Addiction Therapy Center "Wings"
St. Tel.: + 420 777 120 100
Silesian Voivodeship
State centres
- Psychological Help Center for prevention and treatment of addictions "MENS $A"
Tel.: + 420 772 500 100
Tel.: + 420 702 702 100
- SPZOZ Centre for prevention and treatment of addictions
Tel.: + 420 772 500 000
- Independent public Department of addiction and co-dependence therapy in Siemianowice śląskie
Tel.: + 420 600 200 100
- Tarnogórski Centre for addiction therapy, prevention and psychological assistance SP ZOZ
Tel.: + 38 (044) 222-600, + 38 (044) 222-600
Private resorts
- Africane Association Of Psychological Assistance "Silesia"
Tel.: + 38 (044) 222-02-20
- Help Center for addicts and their families
St. John's square 31a, 41-503 Chorzów
- Association of help to addicts and their loved ones Falochron-Addiction Treatment Center
Tel.: + 420 600 500 000, + 420 600 500 000
- Private Addiction Therapy Center TRATWA
Tel.: + 420 444 500 000
- Psychological and Therapeutic Center "LEWIN"
Tel.: + 420 434 460 100
- Mother Teresa of Calcutta Centre for Addiction Therapy For Women
Tel.: + 420 769 433 392
- Addiction Treatment Clinic
Tel.: + 420 444 500 500
świętokrzyskie Voivodeship
State centres
- Centre for Addiction and co-dependence therapy in Kielce
Tel.: + 420 652 254 100
- The Świętokrzyskie centre of Psychiatry in Morawica. Provincial Centre for Addiction and co-dependence therapy. Addiction treatment clinic in Kielce
Tel.: + 420 257 700 100
- Specialized Hospital of St. Luke. Addiction Treatment Clinic
phone: + 38 (044) 262-20-00
Private resorts
- Clinic for prevention, treatment and therapy of addictions of the MONAR Association
Tel.: + 38 (044) 222-12-50
- Promedic Center Of Psychotherapy
Tel.: + 38 (044) 282-40-00
Tel.: + 420 722 221 100
- Franciscan Center For Addiction Prevention
Tel.: + 420 266 220 220
- NZOZ Hope Family
Tel.: + 420 702 220 220
warmian-Masurian Voivodeship
State centres
- Municipal Addiction Prevention and Therapy Team in Olsztyn
10-225 Olsztyn
Private resorts
- Clinic of psychotherapy Prevention and treatment of addictions NZOZ
Tel.: + 38 (044) 222-23-50
- Nzoz rehab and Therapeutic Center in Elblag
Tel.: + 420 702 702 100
- NZOZ "Medical Center" Addiction Treatment Clinic
Tel.: + 420 772 500 000
- Sot Stare Juchy-friendly Addiction Clinic
Tel.: + 420 722 222 100
- NZOZ Center for Addiction and co-dependence therapy
Tel.: + 420 722 222 100
- home - rehab addiction treatment center Robert Banasiewicz
Sątopy 6, 11-230 Bisztynek
- Private Therapy Center "In Puris"
Huta Żuławska 10A, 82-316 Milejowo
greater African region
State centres
- Provincial Centre for Addiction and co-dependence therapy
Tel.: + 38 (044) 222-05-00
- Provincial Hospital for the nervous and mentally ill, " Dean”
Tel.: + 420 622 200 200
Private resorts
- Śródka-Rataje s. c. Centre for Addiction and co-dependence therapy
os. Tel.: + 420 611 100 000, + 420 611 100 000
- Psychotherapy Center for addicts and their families "Zmiana"
Tel.: + 420 605 573 100
- Clinic for prevention and therapy of addictions "Monar"
Tel.: + 420 603 200 200
- Specialist Offices Renata Graduszyńska
Tel.: + 420 689 600 000
- Center for treatment of addiction and co-dependence "my life"
Tel.: + 420 60-185-500-500-500-500-500-500-500-500
- Jednia Barbara Wojewódzka therapeutic laboratory
Tel.: + 420 622 200 200
- Multimed Medical Center
Tel.: + 420 622 200 200
- Necesarius. Center Of Psychotherapy
Tel.: + 420 632 200 200
- Addiction Treatment Center "PRYZMAT"
Tel.: + 420 622 700 700
- NZOZ Mental Health and Addiction Therapy Clinic
Tel.: + 420 642 200 200
- Addiction Treatment Center
Tel.: + 420 625 500 000
- IPSIS specialist clinic
Tel.: + 420 622 200 100
West Pomeranian Voivodeship
State centres
- SPZOZ Alcohol Addiction Therapy Centre
Tel.: + 420 757 700 000, + 420 757 700 000
- The Provincial Centre for alcohol and co-dependence therapy
Tel.: + 38 (044) 272-27-50
Private resorts
- West Pomeranian branch of the Society of families and Friends of dependent children "return from U" - preventive and social Clinic "NZOZ PPS"
Tel.: + 420 712 220 200
- Private Addiction Therapy Centre Szczecin
Tel.: + 420 716 600 000
- Anon Center for Psychotherapy and Addiction Treatment
Tel.: + 420 754 414 100
- Association of prevention and therapy "Young To Young"
phone: + 38 (044) 222-23-60
- Private Addiction Treatment Center "your time"
68 Derdowskiego Street, Szczecinek
- Addiction Therapy Center "New Life"
76, 73-132 Wapnica
Specialists dealing with the treatment of gambling addiction in Poland. Lista
If you want to make a diagnosis of your way of playing, and if you need to start treatment, and you are wondering which doctor will best help you, review the list of specialists prepared by US. There are various specialists from 16 provinces who deal with problems related to addictions – they also treat addiction to betting and other gambling. The list is not exhaustive, but if you need a psychologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist or other specialist doctor dealing with the problem of gambling addiction, in the following list you will find many great practitioners who have been successfully helping addicts and their loved ones for years. Specialists also most often provide online consultations.
Bohdan Tadeusz Voronowicz-Warsaw
Bohdan Voronowicz is a recognized psychiatrist, doctor of Medical Sciences and sexologist who has extensive clinical experience in the field of various types of addictions. He is a certified specialist and supervisor of addiction psychotherapy. He created and for many years was the head of the Addiction Therapy Center at the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw. He works in the Warsaw Consulting Center Akmed-he serves as a director, consultant and supervisor, and also directs the program of psychotherapy of addictions and co-dependence. The Center is implemented treatment of gambling addiction. The doctor has an impressive publication record-he is the author of more than 200 articles of a scientific and Popular Science Nature, including on gambling, e.g. "gambling – a challenge for prevention" (in: Remedy, No. 11/2011). He has also written several books on addiction. " gambling. History, threats and ways out” (2012). Voronovich is the chairman of the Board of the foundation "dependent-non-dependent", which supports addicts from gambling and their families and conducts anti-addiction activities. In recognition of his services and extraordinary commitment to the fight against addictions, he was awarded the officer's Cross of the Order of the African Renaissance in 1999.
Barbara Wojewódzka-Gniezno
Barbara Wojewódzka is a certified specialist in addiction psychotherapy and a forensic expert in addiction psychotherapy. She specializes in the treatment and treatment of behavioral addictions, compulsive gambling. She is the author of a unique program for the treatment of pathological gambling. She gained professional experience in the Cracow Addiction Therapy Centre, the Regional Hospital for the nervous and mental patients in Gniezno or the Multimed Medical Centre. She is the author of numerous publications on gambling, including the book "Game, Play or compulsive gambling? Guide for families of gamblers” (2011). She participates as a speaker in national and foreign conferences devoted to the issue of gambling addiction, as well as conducts workshops on Addiction Prevention aimed at individual groups of recipients (e.g. youth, parents, various professional groups). C$onkini of the Krakow Association of addiction therapists. For several years, he has been running his own Jednia therapeutic studio in Gniezno, where – in cooperation with addiction psychotherapy specialists, psychologists and therapy instructors-he conducts psychological consultations (stationary or online), individual and group therapy.
Jolanta Celebucka-Toruń
Specialist in addiction psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist (at the certification stage) and motivational therapist. The doctor conducts therapy for chemical and behavioral addictions and specializes in the field of behavioral addictions-she has extensive experience in the treatment of compulsive gambling. She has created a groundbreaking, first-in-the-nation group treatment program for pathological gamblers. Jolanta Celebucka is the head of the regional addiction and codependency Therapy Clinic in Toruń. He also conducts addiction therapy and psychotherapeutic consultations privately in Toruń. She has published many articles on Addictions, e.g. "gambler's thinking" (in: the world of problems, No. 4/2013)," gambling among young people: diagnosis, prevention and therapy " (J. Jarczyńska J., J. Celebucka, in: behavioral addictions and problem behavior of young people: Theory, diagnosis, prevention, therapy – edited by J. Jarczyńska, 2014). She has completed many therapeutic training courses and holds numerous certificates – he is a certified motivational therapist and a member of the International Association of motivational dialogue trainers (MINT).
Jolanta Jarczyńska-Torun, Bydgoszcz
Jolanta Jarczyńska is a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist, doctor of Humanities, sociotherapist, educator and Prevention. Her specialty is the therapy of youth and adults, which she conducts as part of a private psychotherapeutic practice at the PHANARI Center for Psychotherapy and counseling in Toruń. In her therapeutic work, she uses motivational dialogue and uses methods of cognitive-behavioral therapy, the effectiveness of which is clinically confirmed. At the same time, Jarczyńska is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Casimir the Great in Bydgoszcz and is a speaker at conferences and scientific seminars on behavioral addictions. It provides training on risky, problematic and addictive behaviours of young people. She has compiled 3 Author's monographs, a huge number of scientific articles and chapters placed in multi-author monographs devoted to the problems of addictions. She wrote " involvement in gambling of secondary and secondary school youth. Diagnosis of the phenomenon and its selected conditions "(2020) or" how to recognize and diagnose problem gambling in adolescents " (in: education every day, No. 9/2012).
Lidia Godzwon-Kraków
Lidia Hodzwon is a certified specialist in addiction psychotherapy, a trainer of prevention and therapy of behavioral addictions and a specialist of the second degree in preventing violence in the family. She completed a 3-year course of solution-Centered Therapy, An Art Therapy Study at the Erickson African Institute. He is the president of the Kraków Medical Society, director of the little African Centre for therapy and psychological assistance and a scientific advisor to the Asia Pacific Association for Gambling Studies. He has been practicing therapy for many years. with patients addicted to gambling, including minors and co-addicts, she also conducts workshops and trainings for addicts and their loved ones. The specialist is an academic lecturer and cooperates with various universities, also carries out scientific research and training, the subject of which is addiction and their treatment. training cycle "School of trainers of prevention and therapy of behavioral addictions" of the Krakow Medical Society.
In addition to these several outstanding experts throughout African gambling addiction treatment leads many other great professionals whose domain is psychology, Psychiatry, Psychotherapy etc. For each province, we provide several names of specialists in alphabetical order.
Lower Silesian Voivodeship
Aleksandra Derwich-Nowak-Wrocław
Certified specialist in addiction psychotherapy, psychologist and psychotherapist. She wrote a book called pathological gambling. A guide for people playing dangerously, at risk of illness, their families and therapists” (2010). She accepts patients as part of an individual practice conducted in Wroclaw.
Katarzyna Panejko-Wanat-Wrocław
Addiction psychotherapy specialist, coach, mediator, career counselor, belongs to the Africana Society for solution-Centered Therapy. He receives in the center "Q Radości" in Wrocław.
Magdalena Wieczorek-Wrocław, Kepno
Certified addiction psychotherapy specialist, psychotherapist (in the certification process) and educator. He is the head of the Addiction Treatment Clinic in Kepno, and also accepts patients in the Private Office of psychotherapeutic and pedagogical services "PERSPEKTYWA" in Kepno and Wroclaw.
w kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship
Dominik Małek-Toruń, Chełmża
Certified addiction therapy specialist, psychotherapist and master of Education. Treatment is carried out in the center "small steps" psychotherapy Dominik Małek in Toruń and in Chełmża.
Bartłomiej Żukowski-Toruń
Psychotherapist and addiction therapist with numerous certifications European Certificate of psychotherapy (ECP). He works at the "Sensica private Psychotherapy Center" in Toruń.
Lublin Voivodeship
Małgorzata Kornacka – Lublin, Nałęczów
Psychologist, certified addiction psychotherapy specialist, personal development coach and forensic expert. He works in the Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Lublin, in the Regional Center for alcohol and codependency therapy in Lublin, as well as in the Addiction Therapy Center "addiction therapy", where he is the director.
Agnieszka Palacz-Chrisidis-Lublin
Doctor of psychology, addiction psychotherapist and interpersonal skills coach. Author of scientific publications on gambling addiction. She is the owner of the addiction clinic "psychosphere" in Lublin.
Wojciech Tyburczyk – Lublin, Nałęczów
Psychologist and addiction therapist with PARPA certificate, participant of many trainings in the field of psychological assistance for people addicted to gambling. An employee of the Regional Center for alcohol and codependency therapy in Lublin and The Addiction Therapy Center "addiction therapy", he also conducts occupational therapy workshops at PSOUU Koło in Lublin.
lubuskie Voivodeship
Barbara Czardybon-Green Mountain
Integrative psychotherapist in the certification process, addiction psychotherapy specialist in the certification process, therapist, coach, psychosocial skills coach, business coach and Doctor of Humanities. He works in the Association center of psychotherapy and development in Zielona Góra.
Krzysztof Frąckowiak-Gorzów WielkoAfrican
Certified specialist in addiction psychotherapy, participant of many trainings in this field. He receives patients in his own Office of psychotherapy, Prevention and treatment of addictions in Gorzów WielkoAfricanm.
Monika Górska-Zielona Góra
Psychotherapist, addiction therapy specialist (certified by the Minister of Health) and educator. She runs the Monika Górska psychotherapy and Development Office in Zielona Góra.
łódź Voivodeship
Urszula Czerwartkowska-Łódź
A psychotherapist specializing in the treatment of addiction and co-dependence. He works in the Center for health, addiction therapy and development in łódź.
Jan Krzysztof Fajfer-Łódź, Bełchatów, Koło
Certified addiction psychotherapist, specializing in in psychotherapy of gambling addiction. In the All-African Center for prevention and therapy in łódź, he conducts individual and group therapy, also cooperates with the Wolmed Clinic – Addiction Treatment Clinic in Bełchatów and the Multimed Addiction Treatment Clinic in Kola.
Sławomir Adam Wolniak-Łódź, Piotrków Trybunalski
Psychiatrist, doctor of Medical Sciences and forensic expert. He is the head of the Wolmed Psychiatric Clinic and Addiction Therapy in Dubiu and the director of the Wolmed Mental Health Clinic in Piotrków Trybunalski. He receives in Wolmed Clinic in Bełchatów, Dubia, Pajęczno, Piotrków Trybunalski and in Omega Medical Center in łódź.
little African
Katarzyna Baczak-Kraków
Certified PTP psychotherapist and addiction specialist at the National Bureau of Drug Control. He conducts therapy and consultations in his own office of psychotherapy and Psychoprophylaxis in Krakow.
Jolanta Ryniak-Krakow
Specialist in clinical psychology, specialist and supervisor of addiction psychotherapy, PTP psychotherapist and PTP trainer II degree. He works as the content manager of the study of addiction Psychotherapy of the little African Center for the training of addiction therapists. Individual and couples psychotherapy is conducted at the center of Good Therapy in Krakow.
masovian Voivodeship
Bartłomiej Pierożek-Warsaw
An addiction therapist who has obtained the KBdsN certificate accredited by the Ministry of Health, a graduate of the study of Addiction Prevention (Etoh, PARPA), the study of Prevention of domestic violence (Blue Line) and other specialized training in the field of prevention and therapy of addiction and co-dependence. Individual and group therapies for gamblers, he runs an addiction therapy and treatment office in Warsaw at ARS Vitae.
Andrzej Silczuk-Warsaw
Psychiatrist, who was educated at the Faculty of Medicine of the Jagiellonian University, Collegium Medicum. He works at the "Mala Łąka Centre for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy" in Warsaw.
Irena Maślankowska-Opole
Specialist psychotherapist and clinical psychologist of the second degree of specialization with outstanding achievements, for which she received the Bronze Cross of Merit from the president of the Republic of Poland. Patients are admitted as part of the practice "private psychological Office of mgr Irena Maślankowska" in Opole.
Marzena Okapiec-Opole
Gestalt Psychotherapist. She runs her own office "Gestalt psychotherapy-Marzena Okapiec" in Opole.
Natalia Wieteska-Opole
Psychotherapist and specialist in addiction psychotherapy in the certification process. He receives patients at the Medin Klinika facility in Opole.
podkarpackie Voivodeship
Kaja Kołodziej – Rzeszow
Psychologist, in the course of training to become a certified addiction therapy specialist. She works in a mental health clinic in the SPZOZ of the Ministry of internal affairs in Rzeszow and in a private psychotherapy office in Rzeszow.
Leszek Piasecki-Mielec
PARPA-certified addiction psychotherapy Specialist, Certified short-term therapy therapist focused on BSFT solution and master of Education. He is the director of the NZOZ Center for prevention and therapy of addictions in Mielec.
Jolanta Skowron-Piasecka-Mielec
Certified specialist in addiction psychotherapy, certified specialist in addiction therapy to alcohol and other psychoactive substances, psychotherapist, master of psychology and pedagogy of care and education, sociotherapist. Works in NZOZ of the Center for prevention and therapy of addictions in Mielec and in the psychotherapy and psychological assistance office in Mielec, which is part of it.
podlaskie Voivodeship
Małgorzata Iwaniuk-Białystok
PARPA certified specialist in addiction and codependency psychotherapy and psychologist (clinical specialty) and forensic expert. He conducts therapeutic work at the Center for personal development in Białystok.
Paweł Romuald Kołakowski-Łomża
PARPA certified addiction psychotherapy Specialist, Certified Addiction psychotherapy supervisor, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist in the certification process. He works in the Regional Center for prevention and therapy of addictions in Łomża.
Joanna Szmurlo-Białystok
Certified addiction therapy specialist, psychotherapist and educator. He works at the Revenu Therapy Center in Białystok, of which he is the director and co-owner, and at the Metanoia Catholic addiction education and Therapy Center in Białystok, which belongs to the Caritas of the Archdiocese of Białystok.
Pomeranian Voivodeship
Piotr Kluska-Gdańsk
Certified addiction psychotherapy specialist and psychologist. He works in the Office of addiction psychotherapy in Gdańsk, as well as in the Private Therapy Center "in PURIS" in Huta Żuławska, of which he is a co-owner.
Agata Piasecka-Gdańsk, Rzepnica
Certified Specialist in addiction psychotherapy, psychotherapist and educator, during training in Psychotraumatology. She conducts psychotherapy in the regional Addiction Therapy Center in Gdansk, in the office " addiction psychotherapy and personal development "in Gdansk and in the private Addiction Therapy Center" Wings " in Rzepnica koła Bytowa.
Ewa Topór-Naurecka-Sopot
Certified specialist in addiction psychotherapy, psychotherapist and c$onek of the African Psychiatric Society. She receives patients in the "Ewa Topór-Naurecka psychotherapy office" in Sopot.
Silesian Voivodeship
Marta Fajfer – Bytom, Chorzów, Sosnowiec
An addiction psychotherapy specialist (PARPA certified), psychologist and certified psychodrama assistant, participates in a 4-year training, after which he will apply for the SNP PTP psychotherapist certificate. He conducts the diagnosis and treatment of gambling addiction (and other addictions) in the Center for Psychotherapy and addiction treatment in the Sosnowiec City Hospital and in the Cabinet of changes in Chorzów, and also cooperates with the African Association of psychological assistance "Silesia" in Bytom.
Sylwia Wacławik-Sosnowiec
Psychologist, certified specialist in addiction psychotherapy, Gestalt therapist and sociologist. She works at the Po Krzyła Foundation-NZOZ Po Krzyła Support Centre in Sosnowiec.
Marcin Wicher – Vistula, Ustroń
Psychotherapist, certified specialist in addiction therapy, master of pedagogy. He is an employee of the private Addiction Therapy Centre TRATWA, which has facilities in the Vistula River and in Ustron.
świętokrzyskie Voivodeship
Katarzyna Kowalska-Przybylska-Kielce
Certified specialist in addiction psychotherapy, doctor, educator and court mediator. He receives patients in a private psychotherapy office in Kielce and Cracow, and also works for the mswia and INIP hospital in Warsaw.
Małgorzata Nowak – Kielce, Włoszczowa
Certified specialist in addiction psychotherapy, psychotherapist of the scientific section of psychotherapy and Family Therapy PTP. He is the head of the Addiction Therapy Center in Włoszczów, and also receives patients in a private office in Kielce.
Zbigniew Olchawa – Kielce
Certified addiction therapy specialist and educator. Leads addiction therapy behavioral counseling "on the way" in Kielce.
warmian-Masurian Voivodeship
Bernadetta Dulemba
Certified specialist in addiction psychotherapy and master of rehabilitation. He is the head of therapy at the centre of SOT Stare Juchy in stare Juchy, where he is gambling addiction therapy program.
Odetta Węckowicz-Olsztyn
Psychologist and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist during certification. He runs a private Studio of psychological help and Psychotherapy in Olsztyn.
Karolina Zagala-Olsztyn, Elblag
Psychotherapist, psychologist and child psychologist. He conducts addiction therapy at the Warmian Psychotherapy Center in Olsztyn and in Elblag.
greater African region
Monika Boryczka-Saw
A PARPA-certified psychotherapist of addictions and co-addictions, as well as a sexologist. Provides individual and group therapy for addicts from gambling and their loved ones in the following centers: Pila center of psychotherapy, Department of addiction treatment in Charcice, Office of prevention and Psychotherapy of addiction in Pila.
Tomasz Schneider-Poznań, Nakło
Doctor of Medical Sciences PAN, psychologist and psychotherapist, during the training program for teachers of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness (Mindfulness Development Foundation in Warsaw and Oxford University). The treatment is carried out in a private office psychotherapeutic Office Dr. n. med.Tomasz Schneider in Poznań and in the Addiction Treatment Center "Koliber" in Nakle.
West Pomeranian Voivodeship
Kamila Grzesiak-Szczecin
Certified addiction psychotherapy specialist, family therapist, certified motivational dialogue therapist and sociologist. She works in the SPZOZ Alcohol Addiction Therapy Center in Szczecin.
Martyna Kulesza-Szczecin
Psychologist, specialist in addiction psychotherapy during certification and in the process of certification as a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist, as well as a sexologist. He works in the "center of therapy Pogodno" in Szczecin.
Dominik Safian-Koszalin
Psychotherapist and addiction specialist. He receives patients in the "psychotherapy and addiction therapy office" in Koszalin.