Totalizator football
Football Totalizator at the bookmaker is a specific game in which you can place betting bets on the results of football matches. What is totalizator football and whether its betting at all makes sense? Are these types of bookmakers legal in Poland and which bookmakers are known for providing totalizator football offers?
How does the football totalizator work in bookmakers?
Totalizator is one of the two ways in which bookmakers can offer betting in Poland. Sports betting generally involves a player placing a bet on an event happening (or not happening). As for Classic betting , then if the typer is right, the bookmaker pays him a win, the amount of which is due to the size of the stake paid and the bookmaker ' s rate for a given selection. The odds are set by the bookmaker and express the probability of a particular event. Typing according to these rules is called by Africane law bookmaking.
However, when it comes to
. although here players also place bets on certain events, it
how much you will win depends on the total amount of bets placed by all participants in the game
. Of course, the prize is paid only to those players who have placed the correct bookmaker bets on the event, and the amount of winnings is formed in the following way
proportional to the bet amount
. However, betting in this model must take into account that the win will be larger or smaller depending on how many other players also hit the correct score.
The football Totalizator at bookmakers works according to these rules, while typing applies only to football matches. Bookmakers also sometimes come up with other special sub-games, such as totalizator goal , where the object of typing is the number of goals scored in the selected matches.
It is worth noting that while in the usual game system players bet bookmaker bets against the bookmaker, so much
totalizator is a game where typists play against each other
. The more people bet on the result and miss, the greater the winnings will be received by the player who placed the correct bookmaker bets. Of course, the bookmaker also makes money from offering this type of game, as it takes a commission from the bet pool for placing bets.
Sometimes it can also come to
(if all bets placed will be incorrect), and then the football totalizator reaches more and more winning pools.
Totalizator football-where is it possible to type?
The basic and often the only method of play offered by legal bookmakers in Poland is betting with fixed odds (bookmaking). When we go to any website or bookmaker's application, we see the classic odds offer for various sporting events (and not only). Similarly, the assortment of betting companies looks like when we visit a stationary point of acceptance of bets. In turn
totalizator football at the bookmaker is quite a rare phenomenon
and it is quite possible that at the moment when you are reading this article, no bookmaker in our country does not organize this kind of Game.
By the way, it is worth mentioning that the totalizator is a fairly popular way to bet when it comes to horse racing and this kind of betting is usually offered by the bookmaker Traf.
Therefore, if you are interested in the topic of totalizators in Poland, search the websites of individual operators – perhaps some bookmaker decided to diversify its offer and recently added a football totalizator. Moreover, at one time some bookmakers (e.g. Totolotek, Millennium) offered betting on this principle and they were quite popular among African players.
Totalizator football-sample offers
In order to better understand what are the bookmakers offered as a football totalizator, we will use examples of this type of game, which was made available by bookmakers with the appropriate permission of the Ministry of Finance.
Bookmaker Totolotek
Operating on the Africanm betting market for a very long time, the bookmaker Totolotek had in its offer well-known betting totalizers, which are still remembered by many typers with a longer experience:
- TotoLiga - football totalizator, in which the player was tasked to bet on the results of 13 matches. Possible types are: home win, draw, guest win (1x2 betting). Totalizator TotoLiga was offered for 3 sets, so betting could relate to the category: English league, Africa League or other leagues. The player had to choose 1 of the sets, he could also check what is the current accumulation in a given pool. Prizes were awarded to players who managed to correctly select at least 10 events.
- TotoGol – the second football totalizator proposed by the bookmaker Totolotek required the correct typing of the results of only 6 matches selected by the bookmaker. TotoGol is an example of what a goal totalizer can look like, that is, it was about giving the exact goal result of each of the meetings. The bookmaker prepared 3 sets of matches. To win, you just need to correctly bet on the result of at least 3 out of 6 matches from the selected set.
In addition, the bookmaker Totolotek took care of various amenities for players who wanted to use the football totalizator. For example, this league contained not only the predictions of the bookmaker about the outcome of the match, but also information about how the types of other players are distributed – which results are the most common and which are the least bet. However, both TotoLiga and TotoGol made it possible to conclude a ready-made coupon "most bet" - with the types most bet by other players or "host coupon" - containing only the types for the victories of the host teams.
Bookmaker Millennium
Millennium also had for some time bookmakers offered on a totalizator basis. Although the bookmaker no longer exists (it ceased operations in 2020), it must be admitted that its proposals were also very interesting:
- Ligowa 13 - totalizator football very similar to the offer TotoLiga bookmaker Totolotek. However, the set included 13 of the most attractive football matches from the entire offer on the betting operator's football. Typing concerned the 1x2 market, and winning was possible with 2 wrong types.
- Totalizator Goal - football totalizator, in which the bookmaker Millennium required to place bets on 10 matches and indicate the number of goals scored by both teams. 3 types were possible: A (0, 3, 6 goals, etc.), B (1, 4, 7 goals, etc.) and C (2, 5, 8 goals, etc.). Here, too, the bookmaker admitted the possibility of making 2 mistakes.
Needless to say, although the football totalizator at the bookmaker Totolotek or Millennium allowed a small number of mistakes, in this case the win was relatively small. On the other hand, those players whose typing was flawless participated in the distribution of the main prize pool.
Totalizator football – betting with fixed odds. Comparison
As it usually happens, there are both arguments saying that the discussed way of playing is worthy of interest, and those that speak in favor of letting go of the football totalizator. Fixed Odds Betting is primarily more predictable in the sense that the player knows exactly what the value of a possible win is at the time of placing the bet. EWK, that is, the possible winning amount appears from the slot machine on the coupon prepared by the player. As a reminder, in Poland, bookmakers use the formula: bet x total bet x 0.88 (the coefficient by which the applicable gaming tax of 12% is taken into account).
In turn, a football totalizator or any betting totalizator in general is one big unknown at the time of typing.
The player knows, of course, what the accumulation of paid bets is at the moment, but he has no idea how many of the bets placed will turn out to be correct, and therefore with what number of typers he will have to share the potential winnings.
The final profit is unpredictable, which makes it difficult to plan the game in the long run.
On the other hand, it may also be that the same bet placed on the same event will bring the player much greater profit not when we place a fixed-odds bet, but precisely when we make the typing through the football totalizator. Such systems are based on cumulation and if for a long time no one correctly bets a given event, the prize pool can be really big . Such accumulations are on the agenda, for example, in the case of TotoGol-type totalizators – for example, the bookmaker Totolotek has already stated in the description of the offer that bookmaking bets within this totalizator are characterized by high accumulations of winnings.
This is where the "red light" should come on. Since, for example, a goal totalizer constructed in such a way as in Totolotek or Millennium is characterized by numerous cumulations, it means that often no one gets a win. . In fact, it is enough to realize that it is quite a feat to correctly bet on the exact result of one match, let alone several such meetings. So what is it, in the end, whether it is worth betting totalizator football at a bookmaker, or is it better to bet only on well-known bookmakers with fixed betting odds?
Totalizator football at bookmakers - is it worth betting?
Of course, every player has the right to have their own opinion on the different ways of playing and to act as they see fit. However, we will try to determine in the end whether there is any sense to play with betting arranged as a football totalizator, or rather this kind of betting is not something worth spending time and money on. Considering all the "pros and cons", you should definitely pay attention to how highly profitable the football totalizator can be – bookmakers betting with its help can be very profitable, even when engaging in a game of not very high stakes. At the same time, it should not be forgotten that in the case of offers such as TotoGol, the chance of correct typing is small. In this regard, it is worth considering a strategy according to which we will from time to time use the football totalizator at bookmakers, however, betting small amounts . Of course, provided that such a football totalizator can be found in the offer of a betting company that has the appropriate permit for placing mutual bets in Poland.
It is also worth remembering that the football totalizator at the bookmaker can be treated
in entertainment categories
. First of all, this kind of game can be an interesting variant for typers who on a daily basis bet ordinary bookmakers on football. Great for this purpose, for example, a goal totalizer, whose betting can be a form of fun. If we think about what the football totalizator looked like at the bookmakers Totolotek or millennium, we can say that this kind of game could resemble a somewhat popular not only in our country, a number game, and not a serious typing of football.
While bookmakers with fixed odds safer will leave as the pillars of our game - betting on the basis of a long-term typing strategy and with proper management of the player's budget, they can bring regular profit without involving a lot of risk.