Totalizator goal
Bookmakers offer a lot of interesting game options, among which a less well-known, but certainly worthy of distinction, is the goal totalizer. Bookmakers of this kind can bring a high win, but they also have their drawbacks. In this article, we will look at the issue of how the totalizator works, how it can be bet on and what to be careful about if we choose to type this cumulative game.
Totalizator goal at the bookmaker-what is it?
To determine what exactly lies under the concept of "goal totalizer", first you need to explain what any betting totalizer is. In general, the totalizator is a bookmaker's bets, which are arranged by the bookmaker, but in a rather specific way. Typists who place betting bets on a selected event or events, in this model, play against each other. In this case, the bookmaker is only an intermediary in making bets between the players, and not – as in a normal game-the betting party.
The bets placed by individual players are added up into a common pool which (after deducting the commission for the bookmaker) pay out the winnings to those who have placed the correct bookmaker bets. The more people correctly select the results of events, the smaller the win for an individual player. Of course, winning also depends on the amount of the bet placed by the typer.
Totalizator also has the advantage that here we are dealing with cumulations . By default, in a situation where the bookmaker is a party to the bet, each missed bet increases the revenue of the bookmaker. On the other hand, the betting totalizator, if not even 1 correct bet is selected, accumulates the accumulated funds, which go to the next game – which can be used primarily by the players themselves.
In this context, the term football totalizator sometimes appears, that is, a betting totalizator that applies to various bets on football (most often it is 1X2 markets). But what is
totalizator goal
? This type of betting is of course
bets placed between players on the number of goals in a match or several football matches
. It is best to follow this with examples.
Totalizator goal at bookmakers-examples
Totalizator football was some time ago the flagship offer at the bookmaker Totolotek and although currently (as of February 2023) it is not made available by this company, it is worth explaining what it consisted of. The bookmaker offered both a football totalizator called TotoLiga, where players could bet on the basic results of matches (win 1. or 2. teams or draw), but also a typical goal totalizer called TotoGol . While this league included as many as 13 matches, the results of which had to be bet, TotoGol concerned the results of only 6 matches from the set prepared by the bookmaker. Typer had to give, what will be the score of each of the 6 matches it was not enough to say who would win or whether the result would be a draw.
A goal totalizer of this type is certainly not an easy game, because it is really difficult to accurately predict the exact result of each of several matches, even if you are a top-class football expert. However, for ease of Totolotek was not limited to 1 set of matches – the player had a choice 3 sets of different matches so he could decide to bet on the one whose results seemed to him the easiest to predict.
In addition, the hit of the goal result already 3 out of 6 matches meant a guaranteed win, as the bookmaker appointed as many as 4 levels of wins . Of course, betting on, for example, 3 correct types gave a much lower win than, for example, 5, but such a system certainly reduced the risk of losing all the funds wagered.
You can also use the example of a bookmaker Millennium , which also offered both a general football totalizator (Ligowa 13) and a totalizator that operated under the name Totalizator Goal . The latter was invented in such a way that the player had to bet bookmakers on 10 football matches , for each of them indicating the number of goals scored by both teams. Millennium allowed typing 3 options, i.e.: A (0, 3, 6 goals, etc.), B (1, 4, 7 goals, etc.) or C (2, 5, 8 goals, etc.). The maximum possible number of errors was 2, that is, for 8 correct types, the player received a relatively small win from the Millennium.
Totalizator goal and the final win
Goal totalizer at bookmakers is largely a completely different way of playing than betting according to the most common rules, that is, using the odds offer of a given betting company. What distinguishes these two forms of betting in practice is definitely a matter of winning. If a player bets in the classic betting system, for example, for a bet of $ 100 and at odds of 2.00, he knows in advance that his potential win is $ 176 (100 x 2.00 x 0.88 – the last factor is due to the 12 percent tax levied in Poland on each bet).
Does the totalizator guarantee a higher or lower win if you bet on the same event at the same bet? Well, that's just not predictable. Let us once again explain how the totalizator works. Systems of this type, like any betting totalizator, divide among the winning players a pool, the size of which results from the sum of all bets placed (less the bookmaker's Commission). This total amount is usually no secret.
only at the moment when the bet is settled, that is, when the BET event occurs or does not occur, the bookmaker can determine how many typers will receive their stake from the entire pool
. The winnings are not equal, because their amount depends on the size of the bet made by a particular player, which further complicates the calculations.
Thus, the basic conclusion is that the goal totalizer at the bookmaker never gives the player information about what kind of win he will receive in the case of correct typing. It is only clear what the pool of paid bets is at a given moment, but it is not known what part of it a given typer will receive if his betting bets turn out to be hit.
In this context, it is worth noting one more thing. All bookmakers, if they are to bring a win, require the player to choose the right types. However, if the player also wants his typing to be as profitable as possible, then when it comes to:
- fixed odds betting – the player must focus on betting types with the best odds ratios, including undervalued odds (valuebets), that is, look for mistakes of the bookmaker,
- goal totalizer (and any other) - the player must rely on the erroneous Betting of as many other players as possible, that is, to see valuable types where other typists do not see them.
Totalizator goalie – what are the advantages and disadvantages?
Totalizator goal at Bookmakers has its strengths and weaknesses. Starting with the pluses, it should be pointed out that accumulations are always opportunities for serious enrichment . If several times in a row no one breaks the bank, the goal totalizer can tempt you with a really significant amount of paid bets, and then winning the whole pot means a profit that is difficult during Classic betting (although it happens here, for example, if a player bets correctly on the so-called tapeworm, that is, an accumulated bet with a very large number of events).
The totalizator is
a risky way to play
. In general, the event market itself, where it is about correctly betting on the exact outcome of football matches, is associated with a high probability of making a mistake and losing money. Remember that this is
multi-Road plant
there are many possible outcomes (e.g. 0:0, 0:1, 0:2, 1:0 etc.). While in a 2-way bet the theoretical odds of winning are 50% and in a 3-way bet 33%, when the odds are much higher, winning becomes much less likely. You can therefore bet on the goal totalizer, but keeping in mind its riskiness, especially when it comes to offers where it is required to bet several matches on 1 bet.
Of course, you can refer to the fact that sometimes bookmakers guarantee wins even if the player chooses a few wrong selections. The goalie totalizer at the bookmaker in such a release therefore provides a kind of protection against total failure on a similar basis to how the so-called safe coupon does it. However, it must be admitted that hitting the required minimum is still very difficult, and the win offered in this case is small.
To play or not to play totalizator goalie?
Of course totalizator goal at bookmakers it does not have to be so difficult to implement the rules as in the examples above. If it is just a single bet on the exact outcome of the match, then it is much easier to win, but also there is nothing to count on a large accumulation.
On the other hand, in the case of such offers as TotoGol Totolotka, the most profitable and therefore worth bothering about may be betting when the winning pool is already very large due to the occurrence of subsequent accumulations. In this case, you can consider typing bets, but keep in mind that there are certainly many candidates for dividing the pool, and the chances of hitting the BET are really small. Therefore, the goal totalizer should be placed very carefully. Remembering how big the risk is that the bookmaker Bets will be missed, you should only play at reasonable rates , so that a possible loss does not strain our player budget more.
Totalizator goal at the bookmaker can also always be treated as
type of jumps from the standard way of playing
. In this situation, it is not worth spending too much time analyzing typical events, and the stakes should be rather symbolic. Football Totalizator of this kind will simply turn up sports emotions, and by the way can sometimes bring an attractive win.
Which bookmakers offer totalizator?
Bookmakers in Poland operating on the basis of a mutual betting permit have the full right to offer not only fixed odds betting sites, but also, for example, a goal totalizer. Unfortunately, if you look through the websites of individual operators, as a rule, it turns out that such an option is not offered. Bookmakers in our country definitely prefer to prepare a pre-course, live and long-term offer and accept bets in accordance with its parameters.
However, as we have already proved on the example of bookmakers Totolotek and Millennium, from time to time you can find both a football totalizator for 1x2 results (e.g. TotoLiga) and a specialized goal totalizator (e.g. TotoGol). Therefore, even out of pure curiosity, it is sometimes worth searching through betting websites, paying attention to whether there is a goal totalizer somewhere.