Quick bets at the bookmaker
The modern world is changing at a dizzying pace, and the betting industry is no exception. Online bookmakers every now and then intrigue us with other novelties, some of which hit the standard offer, and others quickly fade into oblivion. One of the newer options on the Africanm betting market is quick bets. In this article, we look at what fast betting is and what specifically allows you to bet with legal bookmakers in Poland. We also wonder what are the good i $e sides of the game in this mode and whether it is worth making quick bets at all.
Fast bets – what is it?
Fast bets are type live betting that is, such bookmakers that are placed during the selected sports meeting. An example of a standard game in the "live" mode is a bet placed at any minute of the match on the final result of the match or the number of goals, while the player must wait until the end of the match to settle the bet. Already such ordinary live betting is characterized by a huge dynamics, which causes that they usually arouse more emotions than pre-event bets. However, it is only the quick bets that mean the maximum acceleration of the game.
Fast bets or fast markets are bookmakers , which they consist in typing subsequent events in the played match, with the settlement of the bet occurring immediately after the bet Result (Win) or the opposite result (loss). For example, a typer can bet that in the next minute of a football match a goal will be scored, a penalty or a corner will be dictated. A player betting on a specific event that he believes will happen on the field does not have to wait until the end of the meeting for his bet to be settled. What's more, the winning funds go to the player's account with the bookmaker immediately after the bet is settled . Fast markets can be brought in instantly and in huge numbers during a single meeting, which is why the game runs incredibly dynamically and with an even more inflated emotional load.
How to recognize fast bets at a bookmaker?
Quick bets are not usually singled out as a separate category of bets – they should simply be looked for in the live betting offer. Bookmakers can use individual designations, but it is accepted that fast bets are distinguished by lightning icon . Ideally, already in the list of matches for which live bets are accepted, you can see that this meeting can be bet, typing fast markets. Sometimes, however, only after entering the selected match can you check whether the selection also contains quick bets. Some bookmakers also use useful links, that is, after selecting a match, you can see not only all the bets prepared for it, but it is also possible to make a selection. For example, for a football match, you can choose only goal bets, corner bets or just quick bets.
Quick bets – what can I bet?
Let's start with the fact that fast betting is a rather innovative option for the African betting market, so this type of offer can be found so far only in a few operators (as of July 2021). Those legal bookmakers in Poland who are already preparing fast markets do so to a very limited extent – most fast bets at the bookmaker are available for football and tennis and only for selected matches. On the other hand, in foreign betting sites, the offer for fast markets (so-called action betting) is often very extensive and it can be expected that in a short time this trend will also appear in our country. If only the Polish players will be convinced to such a form of Game, online bookmakers they will certainly invest in the preparation of a wide offer of this type.
Fast bets on football
Currently, players have the largest selection of matches for which quick bets are available match bettors football. Fast bets at the bookmaker may apply to the following events:
- what happens in the next minute-available events are: goal, corner kick, free kick, goal kick, aut;
- what happens in the next 5 minutes-available events are: goal, corner, penalty;
- what happens first in the next minute-available events are: goal, corner kick, free kick, goal kick, aut.
- what happens first in the next 5 minutes-available events are: goal, corner kick, free kick, goal kick, aut.
Most often, fast markets can be bet only positively, i.e. there is only a "Yes"option to choose from. For example, a player can make a quick bet that a goal will be scored in the next minute ("yes" selection), but cannot bet that the goal will not be scored in that time. However, you can also bet on selected bookmakers for the next 5 minutes by selecting "no".
Of course, in this form, the offer for fast bets is not very impressive, but with a high probability, legal bookmakers in Poland will add more options for betting on football.
Quick bets on Tennis
Also for selected tennis matches, players in Poland can already place fast bets. The offer includes events such as::
- Which player gets 1. point in a given gem;
- Which player will win 2. (etc. a point in a given gem;
- Will there be a balance in the gem (type " yes " or "no");
- The selected player will win the gem to 0 / to 15 / to 30 / to 40 points;
- The sum of points in a given gem will be: below 6 / exactly 6 / above 6.
Of course, and in the case of tennis competition, it is easy to imagine a much wider range of Fast Markets. However, whether bookmakers in Poland will start offering fast bets in a more advanced form, for more matches and Sports, time will tell.
3-stage quick bets on goals
Although fast bets are still an emerging topic in our country, some bookmakers are not afraid to test further solutions. For selected operators, you can bet on fast markets even differently, because the bet is divided into stages in this option . In this way, you can only type whether a goal will be scored in the near future (within the next 30 seconds / 1 minute / 5 minutes / 10 minutes) in a given match. The time period chosen by the player is divided by the bookmaker into 3 unequal stages , of which the first stage is the longest, and the last – the shortest. Although the win is paid if a goal is scored in each of these stages, the biggest gain brings a goal from the last stage of the bet . Quick bets of this kind are available only during the game by mobile app or possibly through the mobile version of the bookmaker's website.
Fast bets at the bookmaker-advantages and disadvantages
Fast bets bookmaker it's definitely a very specific way of playing. What bookmakers promote as the unique strengths of this type of betting can prove to be their disadvantage, so you need to be very vigilant when betting on Fast Markets. So what are the specific pros and cons of these innovative live bets?
Fast bets-advantages
Fast bets are fast-paced live bets, and the usual live betting features
extremely dynamic pace
, which makes
the game is extremely exciting
. Fast bets can be considered a sign of the Times and another step towards moving the bookmaker to another level – where everything happens here and now, and
the player does not have to wait either to know the result of the bet or to withdraw winnings
. Such dynamism is a response to the needs of an increasing number of players – those who have little time to play, bet mobile and "from the rebound". Of course, this method of typing is primarily
an interesting option for recreational players
, because it allows you to" sharpen " sports emotions and can additionally make it more attractive to watch a match in which your favorite team is playing.
In turn, how profitable fast bets are is already a matter of debate (more about this in the section on the disadvantages of such bets). However, if we carefully follow the course of a given meeting, we have a chance to accurately predict whether, for example, in the next minute the referee will dictate a penalty kick. Great knowledge of the discipline, existing teams and players and a kind of intuition can make it possible for a player to make quick bets, especially since betting odds on fast markets are high . If the game goes his way, the winnings instantly feed the account, and typer can bet on subsequent events . However, let's not forget that quick bets depend to a great extent on luck.
Fast bets-disadvantages
And at this point you need to go to the dark side of this way of playing. High odds, simplicity of the game and fast settlements are one thing, but in fact fast bets at the bookmaker they rarely allow a profitable game . First, although from time to time it is possible to accurately predict what will happen in a given match at the moment, it is rather the question of happiness than player penetration. While it is possible to predict with a certain degree of probability whether a particular team will win or whether more or fewer goals will be scored, predicting what will happen in a very short period of time, such as a minute, is extremely risky. But this does not exhaust the objections that arise in relation to the "fast" game. You need to be aware that professional players place bets based not only on sports knowledge and analysis of statistics, but also, just as importantly, looking for value bet. Fast bets because of their pace not suitable for this type of analysis . So in the long run, playing fast markets must unfortunately mean losses.
So we must repeat that quick bets at the bookmaker is an option designed for recreational players – those who play sporadically and above all for good fun. However, they also need to use this option with great care . As we have already pointed out, this type of betting is settled in an incredibly short time and the player can bet on them one by one. The fast pace and ease of the game and the strong emotions it evokes (positive or negative) can bring to mind the game on slot machines. Game of this type it promotes giving in to emotions and forgetting about rational betting or the assumed budget for the game . If a player is successful, he begins to believe that he has a streak today, if he loses – he becomes more and more convinced that the next bet simply "must come in". These mechanisms can win with reason and in the end the player is left with nothing.
Is it worth placing quick bets with a bookmaker?
Are fast bets worth the interest? Well, yes, and no. If you are only interested in playing seriously, placing bets that are supposed to bring profit in general, the Fast Markets will definitely not meet your expectations. Already regular live betting is a very demanding field of bookmaking and to successfully type them, you need a lot of experience and advanced betting skills. Fast bets, on the other hand, are so extreme that they have to be viewed in terms of a random game rather than as traditional betting.
Fast bets at the bookmaker, on the other hand, work as an interesting form of entertainment and can be an attractive stepping stone from everyday typing based on in-depth sports analysis, monitoring of odds, etc. Betting on fast markets once in a while and at exorbitant rates can just be good fun and this approach should be practiced in their case.
Fast bets and fast coupon
Finally, let's add a brief explanation of another term that appears in the bookmaker. Quick bets at the bookmaker can be confused with a completely different option, which is a quick coupon, so it's worth clearly distinguishing between these two things.
Quick bets are a specific type of live betting, while a quick coupon is a tool that you will find in a large number of bookmakers offering legal online betting in Poland. The quick coupon window is usually located just below the e-coupon field on the bookmaker's website and has
make it easier for the player to choose events to bet on
. So this is
type of betting search engine with coupon option
. Most often, the typer can indicate what range of odds he is interested in and what period the bets should come from (today, tomorrow, the day after), what the bet rate will be and what the expected win will be. Then the system presents a coupon that meets the specified conditions and if the player likes it, he can accept it. It can also modify it beforehand – by adding or removing an event from the coupon or changing the rate. A quick coupon is therefore a feature that is intended to help undecided players create a coupon that satisfies them to play and has nothing to do with quick markets.