Today is: 19 March 2023


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Paroli betting System

The Paroli System is a progressive betting system that uses increasing progression . The rule for changing the rates of subsequent bets is the opposite of most progressive betting systems. Does this make the Paroli system more secure than, for example, The Martingale system? Let's take a look at the mechanism of operation of this system and possible scenarios of the course of the game.

How does the Paroli system work?

Progressive betting systems usually require you to increase the bet after each lost bet (to make a profit and make up for the loss). Meanwhile, the Paroli system consists of increasing the bet after each bet won that's why it's called the antimartingale system. How much the player raises the next bet is already a matter of his decision, however, the classic version of the Paroli system says that for bets with odds of 2.00 and similar, the BET should be doubled . If the player loses, another bet bet starting rate. It should be noted at once that the Paroli betting system is only profitable when the player wins many bets in a row. Any failure that interrupts such a series causes the player to immediately be at a disadvantage, after which he must start the game over again. If during the betting bookmakers the whole series will be incorrectly selected, the player will not make up for losses with 1 bet (as is the case with The Martingale system), but he will have to place many hit bets in a row. This relationship is proportional, i.e. the more consecutive losing coupons, the exit to the minimum zero requires a longer series of winning coupons. It is also obvious that the most important thing here is the last bets which can completely reverse the outcome of the game. It is worth adding that the betting rate of about 2.00 is the most recommended in the case of the Paroli system, and the coupon rate should not exceed 2%, and already a maximum of 5% of the Bankroll.

Paroli System-pros and cons

Unfortunately, the Paroli betting System has more cons than pluses. Very high risk of losing in the first place, it should deter all Daredevils. Second, the numbers (which, as we know, do not lie) concerning performance requirements they also discourage those experienced players who can boast of great results. It is worth considering why they do not use this system, although it is they who have the best chance of effectively applying this method of betting. The answer is simple: progressive betting systems are too risky for them and in the long term use does not bring adequate profits .

If you look for the advantages of this solution, you can consider insensitivity to long series of losses . This is because after incorrect typos, the player does not raise the bet, so he can lose for quite a long time – while Standard progressions seem to be fueled by losers and a series of failures quickly lead to high stakes and instant bankruptcy. Despite this (or because of it) getting out from under the line after such a series in the Paroli system is long and tedious - again, the opposite than in The Martingale system. another problem arises surprisingly in the case of a series of victories and a situation where the player is on the plus side. Paroli's betting System does not say when the player has to end the game it's a shame to break a good streak... This way of thinking is difficult to fight a happy, emotional player, so it is worth setting your goal before starting the game and sticking to it – after all, someday the first missed bet will fall.