Get profit no matter the outcome of the match thanks to surebet
Is the situation in which the bet placed brings the player a profit, regardless of what the result will be Bet match is it even possible? Of course, such a game is not only feasible, but also very often used by typists. Game using s urebets (i.e. arbitrage bets or certain bets) can bring steady profits, but there are also many pitfalls for players. How to find su rebet how to calculate bet rates and what to watch out for, playing this way, we explain in the text.
What is it s urebet ?
Surebet this a set of 2 or more bets on the same sporting event which are brought with a minimum interval of time and more than one bookmaker . Betting time is important because we want to eliminate the risk of changing odds, so after placing the first bet, the player should place another, complementary bet (or bets) as soon as possible. The whole idea is that in the second bet, the typer bets negative result to the one who typed in the first bet that is why, theoretically, every result of the match will mean a win for him. This, of course, is only a theory, because many unforeseen situations can happen that will interfere with the implementation of this plan – we will deal with them later in the article (chapter Surebet - what could go wrong? ). For now, however, let's assume that surebet this is a set of bets that secure every possible type, that is, every possible outcome of a given meeting and therefore guarantee a profit . Surebet it is easiest to bet by choosing bookmakers 2-way, that is, those that can end with only 2 results (for example, a victory of the hosts or a victory of the guests, without the possibility of a draw).
Surebet a sure thing
We already know more or less,
what is it
However, it is worth noting at once that
it is not the same as the so-called sure bet, that is, a single bet, which the typist is absolutely sure that it will be hit. Let's repeat:
it is about making a profit by
technical play
- betting on the results of a given meeting with properly selected odds and calculated rates. So it's about securing all possible outcomes, and in the right way. Therefore, making a profit is 100% certain. The concept used by players
certain man”
it applies only to
complete confidence of the player
as for what the result will be in a particular sports meeting. This certainty can be based on sports statistics and in-depth analysis, as well as the intuition of the typer, but in practice they will never fully guarantee that the bet will be won. Sport is not and cannot be 100% predictable, so really
certainties do not exist
- absolutely.
Surebet - pattern the stakes and the value of the bet
To understand well,
what is surebet
. let's take an example. Suppose we found a basketball Game (2-Way situation) on which 2 selected bookmakers placed the following odds:
bookmaker A:
– 2.60,
bookmaker B: 1.60 –
If we want to play surebet , we must choose 2 top courses offered . Therefore, at BookMaker A, we should bet on the win of the hosts at odds of 1.80, and at BookMaker B on the win of the guests at odds of 3.00. Since a tie is not possible in basketball matches, placing these 2 bets will secure all possible outcomes and give us a win (in any of the bets placed).
However, our task does not end with finding the right courses. Now you need to choose the right bet rates, so that regardless of the outcome of the match to get a profit. For example, let's say we place a $100 bet on the hosts winning (odds 1.80). If the bet is hit we win $ 180 (excluding Game tax). What then should be second bet amount so that the winnings from it will be the same as the winnings from the first bet? To calculate this value, use formula for surebet : should the amount of winnings from the first bet divided by the value of the odds of the second bet . In our example, it will look like this: $ 180 / 3.00 = $60. Thus, the second bet should be $60. If this bet is correct, we will also get a $ 180 win from it. Obviously, when calculating what profit will bring us a win, you need subtract all bets contributions under the surebet u . In the analyzed situation, the profit will be: 180 $ – 100 $ – 60 $, which will give us $ 20 profit.
From the above data, we can also calculate Ma value surebet . Formula for surebet calculating the value of a set of bets is dividing the profit by the sum of the rates - in our example, the result is 12.5%. The higher this value, the more profitable the given surebet .
S urebet - calculator
Of course, we do not have to do all these calculations "on foot"every time. Although they are not difficult to find,
the best
it is certainly worth taking advantage of some improvement of accounts. This is particularly important when
we play by betting
live. Very useful tool
it is
special internet
. Calculator
this type of rate calculation
individual bets and the value of the surebet after you enter the value of the betting odds. Calculator
it also provides the amount of profit and
win. Calculations can also be carried out
this can be done by yourself, but in
there are also sheets with advanced formulas that allow you to make additional calculations. For example, you can find
tax included
that is, one that will take into account the gaming tax in force in Poland in the calculations.
How to find surebet ?
To begin with, it must be admitted that in African realities playing surebet ami is not that simple. Because in Poland it applies 12% tax from each bet placed, the profit achieved automatically by playing a set of bets is significantly reduced. Nevertheless, surebets it is also possible to find them in legal bookmakers , you just need to carefully look at their offer. Let's also not forget that some betting operators offer a promotion (permanent or temporary) called „ a game without tax” (in this case, the bookmaker will cover the costs.) If there is such a possibility, it is worth using such promotions and betting within their framework surebet y .
For beginners, a better option is to search s urebet Oh among the 2-road plants – it is much easier and less time consuming. In addition, it is necessary view offers from more bookmakers - comparing only 2 betting sites gives you far too little chance of successfully finding surebets . Good discipline to look for surebets it is definitely football especially the best teams that play. in the dual system - common surebe t can be found in the rematch meetings . On the other hand, a good field for exploration are sports recognized in Poland as niche . Here, bookmakers conduct less advanced analysis and the differences in the odds offer are much more visible. However, when it comes to surebets . it is better to give up betting on ground tennis. This discipline is known for interrupting matches, rescheduling them, and krečów therefore, there is a high risk that you will not be able to achieve the planned profit.
Search engine surebet and other tools
Some may be disappointed, but there is no command „ search engine surebet ” , a tool to search for ready to bet surebets . They are course comparators that can improve the process of finding opportunities to surebetu . Such websites or computer programs automatically download the current odds offer from many bookmakers. They then present the data in a form that greatly facilitates and speeds up the comparison process. We also know that it is very easy to calculator surebet , which helps to determine what bets should be placed and whether in general bookmakers with the given odds create surebet .
Surebet - what could go wrong?
Betting surebets this is a kind of betting system and like other systems, this one also has some loopholes. There may be situations that prevent you from making the planned profit. The most obvious problem is related to the time required to conclude a set of bets. Even if we search for surebet there are only 2 opposing bookmakers, it may turn out that at the moment when we bet the first bet, the second bookmaker withdraw the event from your offer . It may also be that the operator still accepts bets on the event of interest to us, however will change courses in such a way that we will not be able to make a profit.
Another big problem is the well-known players
betting limits
. For example, a bookmaker may specify
event rate limit
, so we will not be able to place a bet at the calculated rate, and therefore the win achieved will not bring the expected profit, or
it can bring losses. The bookmaker may also require a specific event to be wagered
only on accumulated coupons
for example, with 3 events. This complicates matters a lot, because even if our target event bet on ako coupon will be hit, the wrong selection of any of the other events on the same coupon will make the whole bet will be lost. This will leave us with 2 missed bets (because we assume that the opposite bet was missed).
It can also be problematic on its own. settlement of the bet in the event of an unusual sports meeting. If, for example, a match is interrupted, postponed to another date, subjected to a walkover (e.g. kreč tennis, etc.. the result can be interpreted very differently. B ukmachers they specify such issues in their terms and conditions, so it is worth familiarizing yourself with such a document before you start playing with a particular betting organizer. Discrepancies can also occur in the definition of the event itself , for example, one bookmaker will take into account only the basic game time, and the other together with the overtime, so vigilance and thorough checking of the offer by the player is required.
It is necessary to know that if the bookmaker made an obvious mistake when placing odds a bet can be (and most likely will be) annulled . A good example of such a situation is an accidental reversal of the odds, such as in this 2-way bet:
Bookmaker A: 3.00 – 1.55
Bookmaker B: 1.45 – 3.10
If, Of course, the bookmaker made a mistake in entering the odds (and did not misjudge the probability), then even after the end of the sports meeting, he can cancel the bet. Thus, the player will not receive the assumed win only the return of the bet. Another example of such an obvious mistake can be when placing a course on a handicap. So if we see that a particular bet qualifies for this type of situation, it makes no sense to bet on it, because we probably will not be able to realize it surebet u .
Surebet - is that a good way to play?
In conclusion, let's consider whether betting surebeto w this is a good way to make a profit from the game. On the one hand, if we find surebet which secures all possible results and we will make sure that there is no big risk of non-finalization (e.g. due to an obvious mistake of the bookmaker), profit is almost certain . It can always happen that Dan surebet for some reason „ will not work”, but in the long-term strategy of the game it won't matter much.
However, you need to be aware that there are some limitations to the use of such a game strategy. Primarily betting
it cannot be our main way.
for typing
. Bookmakers quickly catch such players and
they put low limits on their maximum rates
. The account is
burned”, and there is no possibility of establishing another
accounts with the same bookmaker.
rather, they should be a complement to the standard game
or one of several strategies used to make the game safe. That's right.
it can also be placed as much as possible at ground points, so that
he will not be able to control us and limit us to individual limits. However, the game
online is not only more convenient (which is appreciated by most players), but also allows you to
more efficient response to changing factors, so in practice it is best to bet
surebet online
Finally, let us add that surebet it can be successfully used for various purposes, e.g. to meet the wagering requirements of bonuses . More experienced typists even bet in this way live betting which, as you know, are characterized by a large dynamics of changes in the range of issued courses. The Plus is that bookmakers find it harder to catch those who play live surebets, and the allowed maximum bet rates are higher, so the profit is usually more satisfying.
Surebet means a bet where the player always wins, regardless of the outcome of the BET event.
Unfortunately, finding bets referred to as surebet is not easy. In order to be able to bet on an event in such a way that a win is guaranteed regardless of its outcome, you must choose a very even event (e.g. sports) and bet on its different outcomes in at least 2 different betting companies. It is crucial that these companies assess the chances of winning this match differently, for example, in the case of a basketball match, one of the companies should consider Team A to be the favorite, while the other bookmaker considers Team B to be the favorite.
When developing surebet, be sure to remember about the 12% tax on the game, which is collected by all legal bookmakers in Poland. In the case of betting on surebet, this is extremely important, because in many cases it can cause a bet that appears to be a surebet, in fact, will not make a profit. For example, if you bet one bookmaker on a basketball game (assuming that there are only two possibilities for the final decision of this match) victory of Team A at odds of 2.05, and another bookmaker victory in the same basketball game of Team B at odds of 2.12, it seems that such bets will guarantee a profit, however, given that it will still be necessary to deduct 12% tax from the coupon rates, the profit in this case will not be achieved and the player he will suffer some loss.
Finding a bet referred to as a surebet in the offer of only one bookmaker seems impossible and if this were to happen it would have to be due to the error of the bookmaker that would have placed such odds on a particular event that regardless of its outcome the player would have won. It is definitely easier to find surebet betting the same event in different betting companies. A list of legal bookmakers operating in Poland can be found on our website.