Betting in betting shops
Betting on bookmakers is one of the issues that is crucial for achieving satisfactory profits from the game. In this article, we explain the issues related to the setting of individual bets and describe the most important types of betting bookmakers.
Betting in a bookmaker and the profitability of the game
Betting in betting shops means selecting a bet for a specific bet or a series of bets. Proper betting is an extremely important issue, because in the long run it has a bearing on this, is the game at all profitable . However, does the profitability of the game not depend only on how well the player types?
Well, this way of thinking is typical for beginners, inexperienced players. They tend to focus on choosing the right type, while it doesn't take them too long to set the right bet rate. However, it turns out that if betting bookmakers are not well thought out, the game can be unprofitable even if the player bets a relatively large number of hit types . That's why bets should not be too high, but also not too low . Too conservative bets make the knowledge of the typer and correctly placed bookmakers do not give such a profit as one would expect.
On the other hand too high stakes can quickly lead to the bankruptcy of the player . Especially since when betting is not planned, then bookmakers are betting very often under the influence of emotions and that's always dangerous. For example, if the next bookmaker bets turn out to be missed, many typers almost instinctively begin to bet the next bets at much higher rates than before. The desire to play however, it very often has the opposite effect, leading to a rapid increase in the balance of losses.
On the other hand, the planned betting allows you to choose bets "cold" and in such a way that the funds allocated for the game are optimally used and give the highest return.
Betting in betting shops and player's bankroll
Betting in a bookmaker is an issue closely related to the concept of a player's bankroll, that is, his
budget allocated to the game
. Every typist who wants to bet in a professional and safe way needs to know what capital he is going to allocate to the game – whether it is on a month, week or single day scale. Of course, the larger the bankroll (relative to the bet), the better, because it means less likelihood of rapid bankruptcy. On the other hand, the budget for the game should not burden
the player's home budget-you need to be aware that this is money that we can completely lose. Therefore
the bankroll should not be exceeded.
thus, regardless of any factors – even if, for example, the bookmaker provides an extremely attractive promotion – the player can not spend more on betting than he previously set (this is the basic principle of safe, responsible gaming).
Betting cannot be divorced from what our total capital per game is. The size of the player's bankroll should always be a reference when setting the bet amount. Depending on what type of betting you choose, the size of the BET in relation to the entire bankroll can be very different. If we use any of the non-progressive, that is, quite safe types of betting, according to the recommendations, the amount allocated to a single bet should not exceed 2% – 5% of the Bankroll. On the other hand, the progression used by much riskier betting in betting shops can easily lead to a scenario in which the stakes are significantly higher and the bankroll is exposed to rapid exhaustion. So let's take a closer look at how bookmakers can be bet and what the choice of a particular type of betting involves.
Types of betting
Betting in betting shops can be divided into 2 basic categories: progressive betting and non-progressive betting, however, within their framework there are many very different ways to determine the amount of the bet. Depending on the player's level of progress, the way he plays and personal preferences, he can choose the optimal type of betting for himself. Below we have collected basic information about what are the types of betting in the bookmaker, what they are and what betting systems use them.
Flat rate
For people who have just started betting on bookmakers, a good betting choice will be a "flat rate". This type of betting is
allocating the same amount to each plant
. However, how to determine how much a single bet should be? A betting System that uses a flat bet indicates that
the safest is when the stake does not exceed 2% of the Bankroll
. As a result, even when the player has a very low efficiency, he can not quickly go bankrupt – within his budget he can bet up to 50 missed bets before he runs out of funds for further play. However, such a scenario is really unlikely in practice. Advanced players can afford a slightly higher single bet value, however
5% bankroll is definitely the maximum
Flat rate in its basic version does not take into account the odds of betting events what should be considered a minus. After all, logic suggests that higher-risk bookmakers (with higher odds) should be bet at lower amounts, and those with lower risk (lower odds) – at higher rates. Therefore, you can also meet such a betting system, in which a flat rate applies within the framework of fixed exchange rates . The player may, for example, designate 5 such ranges and place the highest betting odds at the lowest rate and the lowest at the maximum rate (e.g. 2% of the Bankroll).
How exactly should look like betting using a flat rate, describes the article "Flat rate betting System" .
Interest rate
Very similar to the flat rate, interest rates work. You can say that here the rate is also constant, because the player assumes that the stake of each bet will be a certain percentage of the current bankroll for example, its 1%. Thus, the bet is subject to nominal fluctuations in connection with the results of subsequent Bets – when the player puts the hit bookmaker bets, his capital increases, and when he misses – the bankroll decreases. It is worth noting that the logical consequence of this kind of betting is that if the game goes our way, the stakes nominally increase, and subsequent winnings are higher and higher (assuming that we bet on bookmakers with similar odds). If, on the other hand, the so-called Black Series is hit, the player loses smaller and smaller amounts in subsequent bets.
This type of betting in a bookmaker has its advantages, because although it is still not risky (it allows you to bet on many bets), it with good efficiency, it brings slightly higher profits than a flat rate . In turn, the disadvantage is the need to calculate the amount of the bet each time and wait for the settlement of the bet before we play the next one. And again, here too 2% to 5% bankroll it is generally considered an appropriate rate.
A betting System using interest rates can also be constructed in such a way that for more risky types, the rates will be higher, and for less-lower . This time, however, it is necessary change the rate percentage , for example, bookmakers with high odds bet at 2% of the current bankroll, and those with low odds – at 5% (of course, the exchange rate ranges can be set more). In turn, the time-consuming nature of the system can be minimized-for example, by changing the bet amount not after each settled bet, but after playing more bets for a certain total amount of bets.
We describe the interest rate in more detail in the article "Betting system interest rate" .
Modulated betting
Modulated betting is an even more advanced type of betting. The starting point is to establish
maximum bid value
(no more than 2% of the Bankroll). In the next step, this value is divided into
10 equal parts
- 1/10 of the maximum stake is 1 unit. Bookmakers in this type of betting can be wagered for the amount
1 to 10 units
. To decide how many units should fall on a given bet, the player must
assess the chances of an event occurring
. If the bet is highly risky, it should be placed on a few units (e.g. 1-3), and if the probability of checking the type is very high – even on the maximum units (however, 10 units should be reserved only for extremely "certain" bets). Betting odds will be a big clue here, therefore
it is worthwhile to determine the exchange rate ranges and assign them the appropriate number of units
. However, since the odds set by bookmakers can be misleading for various reasons, it is also important to
independent analysis
probability of betting events.
By the way, let's add that the modifications of flat rate and percentage rate, which we mentioned earlier, are to some extent a combination of these types of rates with modulated rates.
Modulated betting requires, as we can see, a lot of commitment in setting the rates of individual bets, and the profits are not spectacular. However, this type of betting is still safer than a flat rate (because it takes into account the riskiness of the BET), and in the long run, moderately effective players get with its help systematic profits from the game .
Practical tips on how to use modulated betting can be found in the article "Betting system modulated betting" .
Generally speaking, progressive betting in betting shops is that the bet depends on whether the previous bet was won or lost . Decreasing progression it is that the stakes are increased after each defeat (to make up for losses), and increasing progression it requires the player to increase the stakes after each success. There are also systems that extend progressive betting by some forms of security and mixed progressions . Depending on the chosen system, bets can be doubled in a certain situation (as is the case, for example, in The Martingale system) or modified according to other rules (for example, in the Fibonacci system, the bet after failure is equal to the sum of the bets of the 2 previous bets). Betting systems that use progressive betting also determine when a player must return to the starting bet.
Individual systems based on progression differ in many points, and you can point to their different advantages and disadvantages. However, as a rule, especially novice players are not recommended to practice progressive betting, since any kind of progression is associated with
high or very high risk of losing the entire bankroll
. It should also be remembered that progressive systems can be ineffective, for example, due to the limits that bookmakers apply. Progressive betting can be successfully used by advanced players, but also not as a basic type of betting, but ad hoc, for certain game strategies or, for example, to spin a bonus (especially welcome bonuses that bookmakers award to new players).
Progressive betting and the individual betting systems that use it are presented in the article "Progression betting System" .
Types of betting for advanced players
When it comes to the types of betting that are most often used by experienced typers, certainly in the forefront is the already discussed modulated betting. Another noteworthy betting method is that used in the Kelly system. This is a non-progressive approach in which
the amount of the bet is calculated here according to the mathematical formula, where the variables are the size of the player's current budget, the odds of a particular bet and the probability of checking the selected type
. Calculating the bet amount is difficult and time-consuming in this system, and the player should only bet on those bookmakers that are
(that is, for which the bookmakers have put up for high odds). On the other hand, betting calculated from the Kelly formula can bring in the long term
high profits
, and at the same time it is
relatively safe
however, due to the high requirements for the player, it is not recommended for beginner typers.
More about betting based on Kelly's formula you will learn from the article "Kelly's betting System" .
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