Betting certainties
Is a bookmaker's guarantee a way to make a guaranteed profit from bets placed with a bookmaker? How to recognize certainties and where to look for them? Are free sure bets offered on the Internet a good way to play effectively, or are paid sure bets for today or tomorrow a better option? Is there such a thing as betting types that are 100% sure, and if not, what can be done to bet bookmakers were they as close as possible to the certainties that all typers dream of? The following tips will help you avoid the losses that so-called sure bets incur without reflection and will make it easier to make profits also in the long run.
Bookmakers – what is it?
Betting certainties can be understood in two ways. Many inexperienced players understand sure bets as bookmakers, which 100% must enter. For example, if Atletico Madrid are to play Real Valladolid at the end of the Spanish table, and the odds clearly indicate who is the favorite of the meeting (e.g. 1.33 – 5.60 – 10.00), you might think that betting on Atletico Madrid winning is a sure win. There is one "but": sport is never entirely predictable. and even the most advanced analysis can not ensure that the predicted result will work. There can always be something that could not have been foreseen, and that will completely change the fate of the meeting (e.g. injury to the best player, difficult weather conditions, in which it is better to find an outsider, etc.). Meanwhile, many typists do not even bother with the sports analysis of a given meeting – just a glance at the low odds and they already know that these are confident bookmakers who will bring a win. Unfortunately, this is not how it works – every confident person can fail and bring us a loss. In this text, we therefore maintain that types of certainties which absolutely must be checked, do not exist .
However, betting sure bets it can also be defined in a more realistic way. If we assume that safe bets are bets that are very likely to work this definition will be closer to the truth and much safer. It suggests to the player that when it comes to Match Betting , certainties - just like other bookmakers - it is always worth checking yourself. Thus, according to this interpretation, confident bookmakers are such bets that theoretically have a high chance of bringing a win, but even in their case there is a certain margin of uncertainty.
How to recognize bookmakers?
As a rule, the types of betting sure bets they have low odds. This is logical, because since the bet is so sure, the risk of betting it is very low, then betting odds they should be low too. As we have already signaled, low odds do not necessarily equal a winning bet . First, bookmakers often deliberately understate the odds on the favorites of the meeting, which is due to the large number of players who bet on his winnings. Because you have to know that bookmakers they primarily earn on margin that's why they care about the uniform distribution of bets, or rather their rates. Therefore, a large demand for the selected type causes a decrease in the exchange rate. So it is quite likely that the course for a given event, although it is extremely low, does not reflect the probability of its occurrence.
So how do you find real bookmakers? Well, experienced players find them based on their
sports knowledge, analysis of Statistics and other information relevant to the meeting
and even intuition. Less advanced typists should, of course, take an example from them, but at first it is not difficult to draw erroneous conclusions. Fortunately, players can also use the help of others –
paid or
free certainties
they are available in various places on the Internet, so now we will check how to search for really valuable types.
Certainties for today and certainties for tomorrow on the Internet
The Internet is flooding types „ certainties” – just enter the password in the search engine " sure thing for today "do" safe for tomorrow "and hundreds of thousands of results are displayed. You can also narrow the search to a specific sport and ask, for example, what they are " sure thing for today - football” and the choice will also be huge. But the question is: which of the websites found professional betting types? Certainties in many places, anyone who wants to can publish it, and does not necessarily have to be competent in this topic. So if we want to be as sure as possible that e.g. sure thing for today it will work, we can reach paid types . On the Internet you can find professional services offering sure thing for today etc. who publish exact statistics of authors of individual types . This allows us to check how reliable a given typer is and whether it is worth using its hints. On the other hand, even the best player is wrong from time to time, and let's remember that paying for certainties, we incur additional cost that reduces the potential win (or increases losses in case of failure). You also need to be very careful not to use the services of the betting service, which presents false data on the effectiveness of typers (which are supposed to confirm, for example, fabricated coupons with incredibly high winnings).
The second option is Free sure betting . The advantage of this solution, of course, is that we do not generate additional game costs – if the coupon is lost, we only lose the stake. Not so long ago, such a place was the most bookmaking forum-pewniak and, match analysis and discussions on them are more often found, however, now on special social media betting groups (especially on Facebook). The advantage of free sites with types is that internet users can not only check specific sure thing for today is safe for tomorrow but also compare types for a given sporting event and analysis of individual typers there are usually a lot of them in one place. You can also discuss with other members of the group, and find out how they analyze sports meetings and where they get their information . Here, too, statistics of typers are often available, and their reliability can be checked independently – by reading their analyzes and observing the results over time. Using the knowledge and help of the gaming community can therefore be a huge support, but let's not forget that regardless of this, the basis for typing should be your own analysis and the gradual acquisition of betting skills.
How to effectively bet on bookmakers?
Accumulators and system bets
Let's start with the fact that many players add betting certainties to another bet or bets in order to increase the coupon rate. The goal is often
levelling the tax rate
, which
legal bookmakers
in Poland, they charge from every bet played. Since this tax is 12% of the stake, it is enough to add a bet at odds of 1.14 to cover the cost of paying the gaming tax. Such a procedure seems safe, because the players believe that the confident bookmakers just need to check. But if we are betting on a type that we have spent a lot of time and effort analyzing, then in order not to lose it, we should also verify the confident one. And certainly
it is not a good idea to add a large number of certainties to the coupon
- that someone will not enter, is almost guaranteed.
In addition, it should be emphasized that the very idea of creating cumulative coupons (multi-gift) is very uncertain. Betting is much more risky than single bets and mean a significant reduction in the chances of winning. If we absolutely want to make more profit, but without taking too much risk, it is better if we put system coupon . This is a type of accumulator bet in which individual bets form blocks, so not all bet types need to be correct to get a win (for more on how each bet type works, see this text ) . However, it is worth noting that bookmakers allow indication on the system coupon which bets are sure bets bookmakers, that is, which types must be correct. The sure bet is placed in each block and is used to increase the odds.
Different betting options
In the offer of bookmakers are very different betting – sure bets you can and should search not only among the classic bets on the winner of the meeting (although this approach is the most popular). However, if we only have the time and zeal, we can successfully look for certainties among the less well-worn types of bets. For example, a 1x2 bet (a bet on the winner, where you can choose a win for the hosts, guests or a draw) has a higher chance of proving itself than a 1x2 bet. plant with support . In this bet, the player types the win of one of the parties, but is "supported" by a draw, that is, his the odds of winning the slot machine increase from 33% to 66% . In addition, advanced analysis can tell us where else with a high probability hide types of betting sure bets . Knowing the style of play of a given team or other important factors, we can predict, for example, whether a match will score many or few goals and type their number using a bet under/over etc.
Bookmakers - what are the odds?
Rules on how to bet
betting certainties
, are the same as those that determine the effective Betting of bookmakers in general.
Spending all your money on one or two sure things is a huge mistake.
because it involves too much risk of losing all the capital and in a short time. A player who wants to profit from the game over a long period of time should have
a defined and unlimited budget and a secure way to select individual bets
. Proper bankroll management can facilitate the use of the selected
the betting system
Bookmakers - what odds?
Let us emphasize once again that low odds for an event do not necessarily mean that we have found sure thing. Bookmaker he could have artificially lowered the course, the probability of the event could also have been incorrectly estimated – in any case the course can be a clue, but not a guarantee of high chances for the implementation of the type . In this context, there is one more issue, which is the question of what odds can be sure bookmakers to be worth betting at all. If we are talking about a single coupon, the win obtained by betting a sure bet will not be high, and remember that its value will reduce the already mentioned 12-percent gaming tax. For his cause bookmakers with odds of 1.13 and lower make losses therefore, their betting on SOLO coupons at legal bookmakers in Poland misses the mark. Moreover, bookmakers specify in their regulations that the winning amount cannot be lower than the bet amount therefore, such the bet will not even be accepted by the system .
When it comes to how much is the minimum bet that is worth betting, then the lower limit is 1.40, eventually 1.30 - added to another event or events on an accumulated or system coupon. Of course, each situation should be considered individually, but the general rule is that in order for the game to be profitable in the long run, the total coupon rate should not be lower than 2.00 .
Betting certainties as a promotion
Although bookmakers are primarily types that are very likely to work, they can also be understood as the type of promotion that it provides bookmaker . Certainties in this context, they mean betting bonuses which may have different character. For example a sure bet it can consist in the fact that if a player fulfills the conditions of the promotion (for example, bets a specific number of bets with defined parameters on certain days), then in return he will receive bonus funds in the agreed amount for use on betting sites. Such a bonus is certain or, in other words, guaranteed, because the player will receive it regardless of whether the bets placed will be hit or miss. It is also called certain risk-free bet (cashback) . This promotion consists in the fact that if the typer places a bet that meets its conditions and it turns out to be a loser, the bookmaker will refund the player his bet to the Bonus Account. Of course, this is only a matter of naming, and treatments of this type are aimed at attracting the interest of more players to the promotion, on which the password " betting certainties "it works, as we know, like a magnet.