The most common mistakes of players
Typists love to look for the mistakes and missteps of bookmakers, but the old truth says to start with yourself on the road to excellence. Therefore, we recommend that you first check out what the most common mistakes of players are and consider whether some of these sins are also our weak points. It is worth reading what kinds of behaviors and attitudes are most harmful to the players themselves and learn how to avoid them and what practices to incorporate into your daily play.
How to place effective betting?
Although the article deals with the mistakes that are most often made by players betting on bookmakers, to begin with, let's look at this issue from the other side. Let's consider what is needed to be successful in clashes with bookmaker . A good player must have great knowledge of the typical sport and be up to date with the latest news in this area but this is definitely not enough. To make a regular profit from the game, you must also master at least the basics of the art of bookmaking (e.g. to know the specifics of different types of bets ), consciously and skillfully manage your budget designed for betting, as well as – which for some may be the most difficult – control your emotions .
Below we will discuss the most common mistakes of players and it is easy to see that each of them represents some „ lack of", some imperfection in one of the listed areas: sports knowledge, betting knowledge, the art of Capital Management or controlling your own emotions (playing with a cool head.) If you think that your effectiveness in sports betting is too low, consider which of the items on our list relate to your game – they are definitely worth working on.
So let's move on to the summary-before us the biggest mistakes players make in betting .
Playing without a plan
If we're serious about betting, we can't play from case to case, throwing ourselves chaotically at the odds and not controlling the budget we want to spend on the game. Impulsive play, although sometimes it can result in even a big win, in the long run it must bring losses. If the decisions made by the player are short-term, he can not expect long-term effects of the game.
A professional typist must adhere to the developed strategy , to know what he is game goal and plan that will lead him to it and consciously take the next steps. A good player should also control the financial side of the game : have a predetermined budget for the game, the stakes that can allocate to the bet (very useful system betting ) and do not allow yourself any exceptions. If the typer sticks to a rational plan, he is not threatened by the spectre of bankruptcy and gambling addiction. The game Plan should also determine what sports the player will bet on and here you should limit yourself to typing 1, Maximum 2 sports . This concentration will help to stay up to date with sporting events and their effective typing.
Lack of realism
So we are talking about the need to develop a concrete and earth-holding plan, and not about any
unrealistic dreams of winning big
. Very often, people who take the first steps in the field of betting, have incredibly high expectations for the game. Heard stories or even
legends " about quickly making money on betting exceptionally lucky types easily trigger the imagination, but in practice, players should set their sights on
realistic, achievable goals
. The money that can be obtained from betting is most often the fruit
meticulous and systematic work of the player
and that's what everyone who wants to make money on sports betting should be prepared for.
Tape game
Playing with tapes is also a manifestation of the desire to get rich quickly, which can easily lead the player to destruction. Tapes are accumulative bets, but not 2 - or 3-event, only significantly „ richer”" Betting on multi-bet is very tempting, because coupons constructed in this way they can make really big wins. (because the total coupon rate is the product of the odds of the individual events being wagered.) However, bets are accumulated at the same time very risky because a failure to place 1 bet results in the loss of the entire coupon. So many players add to the coupon many meetings with low rates, the so-called sure-fire which although they give a high total coupon rate, seem to be low risk. Life too often proves that there are no certain types and on a dozen bets almost always at least 1 will not enter. The true strategy of the game „ tapes ” as a rule, it consists in placing fairly low rates (the win will be relatively high, and the loss will be small), but this is a weak plan – with such a low probability of placing a hit coupon, we will still be under the line.
In general, it must be said that accumulated bets really radically increase the risk of losing – even if they consist of only 2 or 3 selections. Therefore, every day it is more reasonable to simply bet on individual events on single plants . Although the winnings from them will be much lower, in general, we will probably gain more than if we were betting on the same selections, combining them into multi-promotion coupons. It is also worth to be aware that not only the winnings from the accumulated coupon are higher – bookmaker's margin also (we multiply by ourselves the odds, but also the margins of individual bets). Thus, on the losing bets as a bookmaker earns the most.
Betting on favorites
We mentioned betting.
certainties." The fact that FC Barcelona is a brick favorite in the match with for example
CF does not rule out a situation in which a combination of circumstances will theoretically give the weaker team a win (or at least a draw). Sports Chronicles are full of unexpected victories of teams that, according to experts, were supposed to lose. You also need to know that because the favorites to win bet even taboos of players who often do not precede their types with any sports analysis,
bookmakers deliberately understate the odds on these selections
. The size of the course itself is confusing. The standard procedure is to lower the odds on an event that a large number of players have bet on.
Let's return to the topic of betting again accumulated . Placing a coupon as with several bets on the winner, where we type the favorite, is very risky, and the course goes average . For example, a $married coupon with 4 bets with odds typical of the favorites such as 1.06, 1.12, 1.20 and 1.18 will have a total odds of 1.68. It is not very high odds and it is much more likely to hit another single bet with such odds than as many as 4 bets on 4 „ certainties."
In turn, betting on single bets with such low odds is not very profitable . If we place a bet on an event at odds of, for example, 1.20 for a bet of $ 10, then in the case of a hit bet, we will get a win of $10.56. This is because in Poland the amount of gaming tax (12%) is deducted from the rate paid, and therefore only 88% of the rate is included in the game. In our example, we risk losing $ 10, while the profit from the hit coupon will be only $0.56! At odds of 1.13 (or lower), the win will not even recoup the cost of the bet placed ($8.80 x 1.13 = $9.94).
Low odds betting
So it is already obvious that one cannot be suggested by the low betting odds exposed to a given sporting event. A mindset that equates low odds with a high probability of an event occurring is wrong. It is your own knowledge of the current form of teams and players, the latest history of meetings and other important factors that can affect the outcome of the meeting, should be decisive for the player. The shortcut path, such as choosing types based only on the courses assigned to them, is the way to go. Bookmakers in some situations understate the odds deliberately, but they also happen to be simply mistaken. So it is worth remembering that low odds do not have to be equivalent to a huge probability of occurrence of a given event, just as high – to a very small chance of its implementation. It is best not to check the courses at all before making an analysis of events and create your coupons „ dry”, even before entering the bookmaker's website .
In addition, such a low-rate bet, which after all „ must enter”, is added on quickly to the coupon just to raise its overall rate. In this way, many players lost their winnings from carefully thought-out selections, because it was the low-odds bet that turned out to be the weak link in the entire coupon.
Betting under the influence of emotions
This point seems to be basic and obvious, but many, especially novice typists, have the biggest problem with controlling their own emotions. A completely different matter is that a large part of the players bet on bookmakers primarily in order to turn up the sporting excitement and make it more attractive to watch the match. However, our advice is not directed at them. For the so-called n profit is a secondary issue, while we are wondering how to bet bookmakers more or less, but still make money. In this case, any emotions – whether positive or negative – are unnecessary and can only distract us from the set goal.
As for the most common mistakes of players in this regard, they certainly belong to them
the desire to win back after a losing bet
. When we are upset by the unexpected course of a bet match and want to make a quick loss, it is difficult to make a rational choice of types. Haste in such matters is always an adviser and does not allow for a substantive and thorough analysis of individual sporting events. Our irritation also does not help, and even
increases the probability of making incorrect selections and incurring another loss
. Such violent reactions to failure should be alarming for the player, as they can signal a problem game or even an addiction. Therefore, you should never place bets in the act of revenge on the bookmaker – it is better
wait at least a few hours
and go back to the game already with a "cool" head.
Also, you should never bet on bookmakers being under the influence of alcohol. If the player is not sober, his assessment of the correctness of the types also can not be, and what's more in such a situation, emotions gain momentum and take control of the typer's decisions extremely easily.
Typing matches of your favorite team
Most frequently committed errors players are also concerned with betting under the influence of positive emotions, that is, in the first place, meetings of the team (or player), which we strongly support. Such a game is of course the salt of betting made by recreational players, but typists approaching this occupation professionally, should avoid betting on your favorite club a wide arch. Also in this case, emotions interfere with a real assessment of the chances of success of a particular team, and most often we will simply highly overestimated .
On the other hand, even if we are actually able to objectively assess the chances of our team, sometimes we will have to bet on its loss, which will put us in an uncomfortable situation. After all, who will we be rooting for when we watch the game: the team we love or the one we bet on? So whether or not we can keep our emotions in check by betting on our favorite teams and athletes, betting the results of such a competition simply do not work.
Ignorance of the basics of betting theory
It is also necessary to point out the pernicious approach to the bookmaker of a fairly large group of players. They believe that sports knowledge alone is a sufficient asset and they waste no time learning the basic theory of betting. Meanwhile, without knowing at least the most important concepts related to sports betting, without understanding how their individual types work and without knowing what Betting techniques are, it is in principle impossible to conduct a game that brings profits in the long run. For example, if a typer restricts himself to betting on the winner, he does not take advantage of the wide opportunities and does not see the many opportunities that other types of bookmakers give. Not to mention a player who doesn't know what he is. value plant and how to find valuebety , sam erases his chances of success in the bookmaker. It is also worth knowing the systems. betting and choose for yourself the one that is optimal for our game.
You need to be aware that although without knowledge of the chosen sport we will not choose the right types, without knowledge of the theory of betting, we will not be able to use this sports knowledge and adequately earn on it . When we learn the next strategies and betting techniques, not only do we get our hands on specific tools which we can use to improve the effectiveness of your bets. Gradually becoming familiar with industry secrets makes us begin to understand better mathematical aspects of betting mathematics is at the heart of bookmaking.
Missed / hit game and random game
The game plan excludes all
jumping sideways”, and the so – called game on missed-hit it one of the strangest positions in the list of the most common mistakes of players. Typists who bet such bookmakers, as a rule, are guided by
High Odds for an event from a sport that is completely foreign to them
. At most, they will take a look at the statistics, but in fear of an imminent change of course, they unwittingly bet on such a
opportunity”" It also happens that the offer of bets on the sports discipline typified on a daily basis by the typer is just very poor and the player simply has nothing to bet on. However, instead of calmly waiting for the appearance of more interesting bets on your sport,
the player begins to look for bets on other sports
– most often
checking the types of other players
(of unknown value).
Unfortunately, the game on the missed / hit most often turns out to be ineffective, which results from the $amania of the rules already discussed: playing according to the plan, preceded by a thorough analysis of the events being bet and typing only selected sports in which we feel confident (preferably 1 – 2 sports).
By the way, it is worth mentioning about a very similar issue, that is, the use of options „ quick coupon” , which bookmakers they often post on their websites. These tools allow you to filter the available betting offer according to the player's instructions ( according to the range of odds, the date of the event or the amount of the BET) and on this basis they create a coupon proposal. The player can modify the coupon or accept it without making any changes. Unfortunately, this is another shortcut that leads nowhere. The coupon offered by the bookmaker will most likely go to betting on leagues, teams or sports that the typer does not know at all, and the whole thing will be completely random. By placing a quick coupon (especially if we only approve it, without making modifications), we replace deliberately typed bookmakers with a purely random game which is no different from buying, colloquially, „ Lotka” . Betting is not based on blind luck – although it is also useful – and it comes down to playing on missed / hit or using ready-made coupons.
Other player errors
Of course, the mistakes of the players discussed above form only a list of the most important, most common ones „ sins " by people betting on bookmakers. However, this list is much longer. There are at least such basic negligence as playing at illegal bookmakers, failure to familiarize yourself with the rules of the bookmaker where we place bets (or non – compliance with them), improper management of the budget (e.g. placing too high bets in relation to your budget for the game) or time allocated for the game (e.g. lack of fixed time limits) or – confidence.