Betting limits
Betting limits they are widely used by bookmakers and it is good to be aware of the rules on which they are set and applied. In this article, we describe how they work and how much they limit us betting limits global or individual. We also indicate what player behavior attracts the attention of bookmakers and why. Most importantly, we explain how to play to avoid imposing an individual limit on the player's account.
Betting limits - what's that?
In a very simple way, we can say that betting limits they are imposed on the bet rate, but this is not entirely true. The limits in betting are actually the maximum amount of winnings a player can win. This, in turn, has a bearing on the permitted amount of the bet, because win amount it depends on the amount of the BET and the rate of the bet coupon.
Another important point is that l bookmaker imits they may have character:
- general - the limits then apply to all players and relate to a specific event, match or selected League. In this case, the potential winnings from a bet on a given type of player may not be greater than the limit indicated.
- individual - the limit is imposed on a specific player – most often one that is distinguished by the high effectiveness of the bets placed, but not only. There are also limits on players using certain betting tactics, e.g. the game of Arbitration is bonus hunters, etc.
The third key issue is how we understand the concept of high and low limits. Now high betting limits they occur when the restrictions are not very strong, that is, it is possible to play for quite high stakes. While low betting limits they mean a situation where the bookmaker severely limits the maximum value of the winnings and thus the maximum value of the BET, and so you can only play for relatively low amounts.
Why bookmakers apply betting limits ?
Well, it is not difficult to guess what is the reason for such practices. Betting limits they are a way of defending the bookmaker from having to pay out big wins frequently and incurring losses as a result . If betting operators did not create any restrictions, the bookmaking business would probably prove simply unprofitable. And yet bookmakers they always come out on their own – precisely because they skillfully apply limits.
huge bets could quickly kill off a bookmaker, but on the other hand, the goal of a bookmaker is to attract as many bettors as possible. So the idea is to encourage play and sometimes pay out even bigger winnings, so as to motivate players to bet even more, but not too often. Therefore, regardless of whether the reason for imposing the limit is the individual game of a particular player or external factors related to a particular sporting event,
betting limits
they are an indispensable part of this industry. Players, by joining the game, simultaneously agree to the conditions dictated by its organizer – they are written in
game rules
. And whether we like it or not, applicable
betting limits
most often they are provided there.
General betting limits the events
This type of restriction applies to all bookmakers and all events, although very often the limits on events are so high that the average player does not even realize they exist (he simply does not bet on such large bets to exceed the specified limit). High limits rates are usually set at more popular events or top leagues , higher betting limits they are also the norm in live betting ( often they are several - or even several times higher than in pre-school establishments).
Sometimes bookmakers they decide to tighten the limits on a given meeting when they begin to suspect that many players apply in this case ar betting game bitrage . Another example of the reason for changing the limit (and course) for a given event may be large number of bets already placed for a given result. So bookmakers they constantly monitor the number of bets accepted for each type, the amount of amounts wagered, etc. and if they see a threat of large financial losses-they react „ globally.”
Individual betting limits
If betting limits games that are the same for all players can be easier to swallow, so much so that the restrictions imposed on individual typers seem more unfair and can actually "raise the pressure". Because why would a colleague bet the same match result at a much higher rate than me? Is the bookmaker "punishing" great typists for their skills? Actually, regularly win large sums by a given player certainly poses a serious threat to the bookmaker and limits are a way to stop it. As mentioned above, the individual betting limits they are used not only in defense against extremely effective typing players. Various "suspicious" player moves prompt betting operators to impose special blocks. This is primarily about betting only on further leagues at high odds placing bets that suggest arbitration game i placing bets at the last minute before changing course .
they impose individual
betting limits
even if they think they are dealing with
"bonus Hunter."
Such a person registers accounts with subsequent bookmakers solely in order to use
welcome bonuses
and other available betting promotions. It is not forbidden, but setting up accounts on fake data (or data of other people, such as family members or friends) and using them – already yes. By the way, let's add that it is for this reason that start bonuses are often not available when paying with an e-wallet or prepaid card – in their case, the bookmaker cannot verify the identity of the user.
The reasons for imposing personal limits are of course more, and individual bookmakers they have their own rules of conduct in this regard. You can never be sure at what point our game will catch the attention of the bookmaker, just as you do not know what limit will be applied in a given situation.
How high / low are betting limits ?
Betting limits they can be very shot. Let's start with the fact that most operators specify in the regulations (or in separate messages) what their maximum limits win . B ukmachers operating legally in Poland determine the maximum win from 1 coupon at different levels – as a rule, this is several hundred thousand dollars (for example, 200,000. $ 500,000. $ 800,000 or so. $).
As we have already mentioned, the general betting limits , they depend primarily on this, how popular is the selected sporting event . Bookmakers set the betting limit high for well-known leagues and attractive sporting events (the stakes here can go into the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars), and low for niche leagues and disciplines (at the level of several hundred$). The organizer of the game wants the bets placed on the event to balance each other, because then the betting margin collected brings profits, regardless of the outcome of the match. There is a limit to a single player's bet – it cannot be so high that other players who type the opposite result are not able to match it.
Betting limits
imposed on players individually
also, they can be established at different levels, although, unfortunately, they are often low. Moreover, even if a limit is imposed on the selected player, he may not realize for some time that it concerns only his account.
they do not inform you about the termination of the user account, and worse
individual l
bookmaker imits
they can have very different characteristics
: may apply to the entire betting offer, selected Sport / selected events / selected markets, or may be short-term (less frequently) or long-term.
It is therefore difficult to grasp what exactly is the" dedicated " limit and whether it is an individual limit at all.
(Only if, for example, a friend bets at the same time
the same event as us, we can have proof that the limit has actually been applied. This solution, however, is very imperfect – the details will remain secret anyway, not to mention the possibility that our friend may also be in this situation.
moment to limit
betting limits
). Unfortunately, in radical cases, the maximum bet of the player can be
just a few dollars
Individual betting limits so they are even more of a mystery than the general limits, and some and the latter can just as effectively thwart our plans. Although global betting limits it is inevitable, it is individual. betting limits you can "avoid" by following certain rules.
Ways to avoid limits
We already know in general terms what the behavior of the players pay attention to bookmaker . Limits they will be less likely to harm us if we avoid them. play or at least do not use them too often. Below is a list of tips that will largely avoid limiting the player's account (or at least remove them in time):
- Don't place high stakes too often. If you are betting at high rates every time, and even more so when it is high-odds bets placed on unpopular events or leagues, you will certainly quickly attract the attention of the bookmaker. In this situation, he would be happy to betting limits .
- Do not play for the maximum possible stakes. Same as above-this way betting it will certainly interest the bookmaker and cause a well-known reaction.
- Don't bet on amounts „ with peas” . Placing bets for incomplete amounts raises the suspicion of the bookmaker that the player is using an arbitration game or some strategy based on operator error (such as surebets ). Therefore, even if we actually play some system, we should always bet at full rates, rounding up the amounts that will come out of our calculations.
- Don't keep placing the same bets . This again applies to higher rates-instead of constantly placing bets, for example, after 1 thousand. $ , it is safer to deposit more varied rates.
- Don't take advantage of the bookmaker's mistakes. . Bookmakers they are sensitive to hunters. surebets - players who only bet on bets with odds poorly estimated by the bookmaker can expect a quick account limit. Of course, we do not discourage playing in this way, however betting it should also include a different type of betting. It is also worth knowing that surebets placed in live betting are not as easy to catch as those in pre-match betting.
- Play carefully as a new player . If you open a new player account, remember that betting surebets it's a terrible idea to begin with. First it is worth bringing even from dozens of bets „ standard”, and only after some time to move on to such an advanced game strategy. Otherwise, individual betting limits they can be applied after the first bet!
- Do not bet on the entire deposit in the new account . At the beginning of the game at a given bookmaker, it is best not to play for all the funds and not to withdraw all the winnings. In the initial betting period, the rates should also be fairly close to each other (but, of course, they should not be too high).
- Sometimes place accumulative bets . Betting on single bets is safer, however, throwing 2 or more events on a coupon from time to time will minimize the risk of receiving limits or $agide their size (and sometimes it can also turn out to be very profitable).
- Do not withdraw funds from the player account too often . This is especially true for withdrawals made within a short time of making a deposit.
In conclusion, if we play with the so-called moderation, there is no reason for individual betting limits they have been applied to us. It is necessary, as far as possible, to choose wisely the rates of bets, play quite a variety and be careful when taking advantage of the mistakes of the bookmaker. Special care should be taken if we have a new player account in a given betting service, in turn, more freedom is provided by live betting.
Betting limits at fixed points
It may seem that individual
betting limits
they are only used in-game by the website or mobile app. When playing online, the player must bet through a personal user account, where everything is automated, and in addition
the history of the coupons placed is recorded here. However, bets placed at ground points may also be restricted by
individual l
If a player wants to deposit a coupon from which
the prize will be very large (i.e. for a high stake or after
high rate), employee premises
can consult by phone the possibility of taking a bet with
bookmaker analyst
. This based on the analysis of coupon parameters and the situation associated with the wagered event
accepts or rejects the possibility of placing a bet at a certain rate
In addition, although the game in ground points is certainly to some extent anonymous, here we can also meet with a limit, if we are a frequent visitor to a particular place and there are grounds for imposing restrictions on us (and nowadays the memory of employees also supports the monitoring present everywhere).
Betting limits the temporary account
Personally betting limits there are temporary accounts that can be opened with most legal bookmakers in Poland. Registration of such an account is simplified – you do not need to provide all the personal data that is necessary during the full registration of the account or send a scan of the identity document. After setting up a temporary account, you can make deposits and bet bookmakers and the win limits are the same as for fully verified accounts. The difference lies elsewhere – primarily with the temporary account funds cannot be withdrawn. In addition betting limits they include the amount of the deposit paid, and you can not use part of the promotion or some options . Also the length of time the account will remain active it is usually limited.
Betting limits-p rzykłady
Suppose you are going to bet on the match Legia Warsaw – Rakov Czestochowa, typing the victory of the guests. The event has odds of 3.80, and you want to bet $2,000 on that bet. As it is easy to calculate, if you win, you will get a win of $ 6688 (3.80 x 2000 x 0.88) from a LEGAL bookmaker in Poland. Unfortunately, when you enter the bet you want to bet, you receive a message that the maximum possible bet is $ 300 (perhaps this is the current limit for everyone, and perhaps such a limit imposed on your account bookmaker). Limits they directly reduce the possible winnings from the bet – now you can count on a much lower winning amount, that is, $ 1003.20 (3.80 x 300 x 0.88).
Betting limits they can also look like this. You want to bet on, for example, a 3-league football match, but after adding a bet to the purchase, it turns out that in order to bet on this meeting, you need to add 2 more bets (for example, with a certain minimum odds). So the bookmaker forces you to place an accumulator bet, which reduces your chances of hit coupon.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that sometimes you can even bypass the general betting limits and thus raise the maximum bet of a particular bet – and in a very simple way. Enough is enough add some low rate event to your coupon , so that the betting limits can be increased for the coupon. Of course, the riskiness of the bet increases (although theoretically low-odds types are very likely), but for this the potential win will be higher.