Bookmakers in Poland
You want to know who they are legal bookmakers in Poland and on what principles do they operate? In the article we describe what laws regulate the African betting market, what companies can be allowed to organize bets and what conditions they must meet. We also explain what their status is. foreign bookmakers in Poland and what legal Polish bookmakers they can, in accordance with the law, and what they absolutely can not, offer on their websites. At the end you will also find a complete list of all l qualified bookmakers in Poland.
Bookmakers in Poland - Gambling Act
Legal bookmakers in Poland these are entities that have an appropriate permit for the organization of betting by internet or at ground level. This is due to the provisions of a separate law that regulates all issues related to the gambling market in our country, that is "Act of 19 November 2009 on gambling". The document is commonly called the Gambling Act and it is in it that we will find provisions for what rules they can operate on Polish bookmakers. Africa the Gambling Act also allows betting activities foreign bookmakers in Poland , of course, provided that they obtain the appropriate permission in advance.
However, it is necessary to know that the legal situation regarding the establishment of mutual bets in Poland has changed radically since On December 15, 2020, an amendment to the Gambling Act was adopted . Most of its provisions wes$A into force on April 1, 2021, which in a short time caused a real breakthrough. Illegal bookmakers in Poland who, as it is estimated, until now had in their hands even 90% of the betting market, en masse began to disappear from it. Some withdrew on their own, and a few returned after some time as legal bookmakers in Poland - after obtaining a permit to operate plants from the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Poland. The solutions adopted in the amendment were also of great importance for preventing the gray zone on the gambling market, which greatly hindered the functioning of entities acting against the law. Illegal bookmakers in Poland who offered betting by internet , they began to be "caught" by specialized officers, and their websites added to the so-called. the Register of prohibited domains (namely, The "Register of domains used to offer gambling in violation of the law"). In turn telecommunications companies must block access to sites listed in the register and this is within 48 hours from the moment the domain goes to the "Black List". In addition, payment operators have 30 days to stop providing services for the site, which will be in the Register of banned domains, which makes it difficult for players to deposit funds and thus play the game. And although still online bookmakers in Poland they are, for the most part, illegal entities., bookmakers with Polish license they have definitely increased their share in the betting market . The changes in the Gambling Act have not only benefited you legal Polish bookmakers, who functioned even before the amendment – the new reality made new ones appear on the market in a short time legal bookmakers in Poland . Since the permit for the organization of betting has been obtained by other foreign and Polish online bookmakers (some of which also received permission to operate through a network of land-based points), the possibility of legal play has significantly expanded and become more attractive.
Legal bookmakers in Poland – authorisation to organise establishments
Legal Polish bookmakers
they operate on the basis of
to make mutual bets, which
issued by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Poland
. Such a document is valid for a period of 6 years, from the moment of the decision, but can be extended for another 6 years. The Gambling Act specifies what conditions must be met
Polish bookmakers
so they can get permission. They can only seek them.
stock shelves or limited liability companies
whose headquarters are located in the African territory. If it is located outside our country, but in the European Union or the European Free Trade Association( EFTA), such a company can also obtain a permit. However, an additional condition is the appointment of a representative of the company in Poland or the opening of a branch in its territory. Both foreign and
Polish bookmakers
to obtain a permit, you must have
share capital of at least $2 million
(or the equivalent amount in the case of foreign companies). Besides
legal bookmakers in Poland
they must meet personnel requirements. Thus, the company's shareholders, members of its management board, supervisory board, etc. they must have an impeccable reputation, which also means that they cannot be convicted of a deliberate tax crime in an EU country.
Legal bookmakers in Poland they can be entities that have obtained permission to place betting at ground points or permission to offer online betting. Licensed bookmakers they can also hold both types of permits, although this requires separate applications and separate fees. How easy to guess, the documentation that needs to be prepared is very extensive and includes documents relating to the company, its legal and financial situation and documents related to the planned bookmaking activity. They came licensed bookmakers in Poland they must also have a reasonably large budget which will allow you to cover the fees associated with the issuance of a permit, as well as obtaining the required financial security. Depending on the sales channel (by internet or in Ground premises) fees are different. Online bookmakers in Poland they pay for the very Organization of online betting and additionally from each website on which betting will be offered. While ground bookmakers with Polish license they must cover a fee, the amount of which depends on the number of planned fixed points. More detailed information on the conditions they must meet legal Polish bookmakers, they are described in the article „ Permit for mutual betting in Poland ” .
As you can see, to obtain the appropriate permission,
Polish bookmakers
they have to meet a lot of conditions, prepare extensive documentation and incur considerable costs. On the other hand,
illegal bookmakers in Poland
they must take into account the possibility of receiving
huge financial penalties
and those responsible for organizing illegal gambling are even punishable by imprisonment
freedom for up to 3 years. In addition, the already mentioned mechanisms related to the domain registry
prohibited, even if they do not prevent, they effectively impede the functioning of
illegal betting operators. Therefore, only legal betting is a reasonable choice –
as for the bookies, as well as the players themselves (they are also affected by high financial penalties for participating in illegal betting – details in the text
Penalty for betting on unlicensed bookmakers
Which bookmakers are legal in Poland?
After what has been said, it is clear that legal bookmakers in Poland these are only those companies that have a current permit for mutual betting. Moreover, not only African companies can apply for such a permit, but also foreign bookmakers in Poland they can do legitimate business. They must meet the same requirements as legal Polish bookmakers , in addition, by appointing a representative or creating a branch of the company in Poland. In practice, you can see that legal bookmakers in Poland they are divided into 3 categories. The first is fully formed Polish legal bookmakers, or companies based in Poland which are independent of foreign entities. The second category is legal bookmakers in Poland , which however, the headquarters is located abroad (in an EU or EFTA country). Tacs bookmakers with Polish license they operate through their representative, that is, an Africana company with which they have signed a relevant agreement or have their own branch in our country. However, there are also legal bookmakers in Poland who do not fit into either category because they operate on yet different principles. The third category consists of Polish bookmakers , who they are based in Poland and their companies are listed in the KRS, however they depend on certain foreign entities. . These entities are companies that own well-known betting brands and although they want to operate in Poland in accordance with the law, they choose a different path than creating a branch or appointing a representative. Thus, the Africa Company is formed, the shares of which belong to a foreign entity (as a rule, a holding company that operates in the gambling industry in various countries of Europe and even beyond). Legal bookmakers this type often refers to the popular betting brand, including it in the name of the new company Africana, although there are exceptions to this practice.
However, regardless of whether the company is based in Poland or outside of Poland, whether it is a fully independent entity, whether it is part of a foreign group, ultimately the most important thing is whether the entity has a permit. To be sure who online bookmakers in Poland they work according to the law, it is best to check list of legal bookmakers . This is the list we present here , and additionally here you will find the most important information about the betting offer of individual bookmakers. All currently legal online bookmakers in Poland they are also written at the end of this article – we have described there the legal issues concerning each betting operator.
Bookmakers in Poland - operating rules and responsibilities
The Gambling Act also regulates many issues regarding what obligations they have legal bookies. Africa is the country in which it applies gaming tax and in accordance with the law in the case of betting is from 12% of each bet placed . Therefore, legal bookmakers they must pay a tax of this amount to the tax – it is previously deducted from each bet placed, so whether the bet is won or lost, the cost of this tax is borne by the player. It is important to note that although l egal bookmakers in Poland they always transfer the amounts due under the applicable tax on the game, then even they can meet with the tempting slogan "play without tax". Under this slogan is only a popular promotion – if we correctly select bets on a coupon covered by such a promotion, then African LEGAL bookmaker it will cover the tax costs (in practice, it will increase the winnings by 14%). Another type of tax, i.e. tax on winnings , is already something that the player can not avoid at all. For winnings from bookmakers it is 10% and it applies when the win on the coupon is over $2280 . In this case, the typer does not receive the entire amount won, since 10% of it must be withdrawn and transferred to the Tax Office. egalni bookmakers (Africa the personal income tax act). Read more about it in the article „ Tax on betting ” .
online bookmakers in Poland
they have another formal requirement, which relates to unlocking the possibilities of the game. Well, according to the Gambling Act, only people who are over 18 years of age can place bookmaking bets (or, more generally, gamble). P
olskie bookmakers online
they must somehow check whether the internet user who wants to place a bet through the website (or mobile application) is an adult. Therefore
legal bookmakers in Poland
they can share
bets only after the player has set up a personal online account
. The user must first fill out the registration form, providing certain personal data, as well as submit a scan of the identity document. On its basis
Polish online bookmakers
they can verify the player's age and unlock access to the full service. However, since players often look reluctantly at the need to provide too much data, therefore, both experienced and completely
new bookmakers in Poland
they also have a temporary account option. They can be installed without sending a scan of an identity card or passport and with a minimum amount of data. This is a fully legal option and allows you to place betting bets. The key difference between full and simplified registration is that temporary account holders
legal bookmakers in Poland
they will not withdraw winnings-until the account is verified and converted into a full account.
Besides bookmakers in Poland they have other responsibilities that relate to the responsible gaming promotion policy. Its purpose is protecting players from gambling addiction , with particular regard to minors. P olskie bookmakers online they must – still at the stage of applying for a permit-submit a draft of the rules of Responsible Gaming, which includes solutions to minimize the risk of addiction of players. These include the procedure for registering accounts, verifying the age of users or self-control mechanisms of the player (e.g. limits on playing time and wagering amounts that the player must define for his / her account). Besides online bookmakers in Poland they must inform in an appropriate way on their website, for example, about the Prohibition of playing for minors or about the possibility of becoming addicted to gambling.
Legal Polish bookmakers - what can they offer?
Legal bookmakers in Poland
they have the right to make bookmakers ' bets, which relate to very different areas of life. Establishments
reciprocity is above all
betting on human and animal sports competition
(separate rules set out issues relating to sports involving animals – in practice
Polish legal bookmakers
they mainly offer bets on horse racing). When it comes to other sports,
bookmakers in Poland
they can take bets on a lot of disciplines. Is IT team sports or
individual, from the most popular to the most niche –
the best Polish bookmakers
they prepare offers in which every sports lover will find something for himself. However, sport in the traditional sense is not everything. Bookmaker bets can also be placed in the case of
esports matches
, and
virtual sports
, w
which real people don't take part in at all. These are events generated by a computer program, although, of course, their rules are taken from the sport that they reproduce (for example, virtual football is modeled on real football). L
egal Polish online bookmakers
they are paying more and more attention to developing the offer for e-sports and virtual sports, noticing the growing interest of players.
Legal Polish bookmakers however, they can offer other types of betting, i.e. betting on non-sporting events . Most often these are the most important events from the world of politics and entertainment, but some online bookmakers in Poland they are preparing a much wider offer. Thanks to this, players can predict what will happen in the near future in everyday social life or, for example, what the weather will be in the coming days. The best bookmakers in Poland , in order to provide users with the most satisfactory offer, they also allow them to submit their own betting proposals, which after acceptance are added to the public offer.
In summary, legal Polish bookmakers they can offer players a variety of bookmakers which may be concluded through the website and/or at ground points (depending on the type of permit issued). However, there is a very important point to be made here on a more general topic, i.e. gambling . According to the Gambling Act casino games such as card games, slot machines is roulette m Oga be offered by internet only by state online casino . The same even the best bookmakers in Poland they can not have in their offer, for example, poker or one-armed bandit online. If we see any casino game on the bookmaker's website, it is an obvious sign that it is not in Poland LEGAL bookmaker . However, this applies only to typical casino games – the other thing is betting on computer-simulated card games. Some Polish online bookmakers they provide such an option, which means that the typer can, for example, bet on who will get the higher card in the next hand, etc., although – very importantly-he himself is not a participant in the card game.
It is also worth knowing that legal Polish bookmakers in addition to the bookmakers, they also offer various interesting additional services designed to facilitate the typing of bets and make the game more attractive. On their websites p olskie bookmakers online they contain the results of various sports meetings (sometimes even those that took place many months ago), as well as extensive sports statistics that help to analyze the current form of teams or players. For live bets, i.e. accepted during the playing of a given sports meeting, the best bookmakers in Poland share match trackers (graphic visualizations of the course of the match), and even free live broadcasts. Make the game by internet it was possible, legal Polish bookmakers they must, of course, provide safe deposit methods, the vast majority of which are instant forms of payment. The best Polish online bookmakers they also allow Very Fast Payouts of winnings, which in addition points at many typers. It is impossible not to mention one more characteristic of the online betting industry practice, which concerns the numerous promotions that they offer legalni Polish bookmakers. Betting bonuses they are awarded very often in exchange for the registration of an individual player account, but also on the occasion of the most diverse sporting events and other circumstances, and the possibility of obtaining additional funds for the game also attracts many players.
Legal bookmakers in Poland - list
All entities listed below are currently active bookmakers with Polish license , which enables the organisation of online and/or on-site betting. The rapidly growing betting market is from time to time, others appear. new bookmakers who have permission to offer mutual bets. Therefore, the list is constantly updated by US.
List of legal bookmakers:
BetFan (BetFan SP. z O. O.)
Bookmaker BetFan it is fully African bookmaker online – the brand belongs to the company." BetFan SP. z O. o.”, whose registered office is located in Warsaw at phone: + 420 600 200 100 . The company was founded in 2022 and in the same year it managed to obtain a permit for the organization of betting by internet . Authorisation number (s) PS4.6831.3. 2022 was released on October 29, 2022, and the website has been running since April 2023. the president of the company is Piotr Sienkiewicz, who has been working in the betting industry for years – he was previously associated with forBET i Totolotek . Bookmaker BetFan it distinguishes an innovative approach to betting - this is evidenced by unique in the country offer bets on "entertainment" (there is a common opinion that Betfan this the best bookmaker in Poland for non-sports betting). Betfan bookmaker provides a promo code. More information: Betfan promo code .
Fortuna (Fortuna online zakłady bukmacherskie SP. z O. O.)
Bookmaker Fortuna it belongs to the African company " Fortuna online zakłady bukmacherskie SP. z O. o.", whose registered office is located in Cieszyn at 15 Radzy Narodowej Księstwa Cieszyńskiego Street . However, this is not entirely African bookmaker, because it is a subsidiary of the Czech group "Fortuna Entertainment Group ", which is one of the leaders of the bookmaking industry in Central Europe (in addition to Poland and the Czech Republic, Fortuna also operates in Slovakia, Romania and Croatia). Africa company has been operating since 1996-initially under the name Profesjonał SP. z O.O., when it offered bets only at ground points, and since the turn of 2007/2008 under its current name. The permit for online betting in Poland was granted to the bookmaker on January 23, 2012 (as the first in the country), and then it was extended for another 6 years on January 22, 2022. the current permit number is PS4.6831.22.2021. Fortune is for many players best African bookmaker , due to the extremely wide range of free live streaming of matches. Bookmaker Fortuna provides a promotional code. More information: Fortuna promo code .
ETOTO (E-Toto Zakłady bukmacherskie SP. z O. O.)
Brand owner Etoto the Africa Company E-Toto Zakłady bukmacherskie SP. z O. O.”, which has its Registered office in Warsaw at Zhuravleva str . 8 . The company was founded in 2010. AG9 (RG 3)/ 7251/15 / KLE/2013/17 bookmaker Etoto he obtained on the day On 28 November 2014, Etoto was also authorised to sell bets at ground points. Etoto bookmaker provides a bonus code. More information: Etoto bonus code .
Betclic (BEM Operations Limited)
If you are interested in foreign legal bookmakers in Poland , is the first fully foreign company that has received permission to organize online betting in our country, is Betclic . Brand Betclic it is known all over the world and operates legally in the UK, France and Germany. Betclic it is part of BEM Operations Limited, a Malta-based company that has been operating since 2005. A representative of the company "Gaming in South Africa SP.z O. o." from Wrocław was appointed to the African area. Permit for the organization of betting on the Internet in the territory of African Betclic it was released on September 26, 2022, as PS4.6831.11.2021. Betclic offers a promotional code. More information: Betclic promo code .
LVBet (LV BET Zakłady Bukmacherskie SP. z O. O.)
African bookmaker LVBet it belongs to the company "LV BET Zakłady Bukmacherskie SP. z O. O.", which was established in 2020, and its headquarters is located at 3 Melchiora Wańkowicza Street in Katowice. The company received a permit to accept betting on May 13, 2020 under the number PS4. 6831.9.2020.EQK. From 2021 LVBet it also offers mutual bets through a network of fixed points. Multi-player LVBet this best bookmaker in Poland E for electronic sports betting-on its website, it even provides live streaming of e-sports matches to all users completely free of charge. Bookmaker LVBet provides a promotional code. More information: LVBet promo code .
Totalbet (Totalbet Zakłady Bukmacherskie SP. z O. O.)
Next African bookmaker online this Total bet which belongs to the company operating since 2021 " Total bet Zakłady Bukmacherskie SP. z O. O. " with its Registered office in Warsaw at 10 Jewelerska Street . The company is part of Africana holding several dozen companies in the media industry called "United entertainment companies" - it also includes the ZPR Media Group (which brings together such well-known brands as, for example," Super Express"," Murator"," Radio ESKA "or"Fokus TV"). Totalbet has received permission to arrange betting through the network internet on the day March 22, 2022 on PS4.6831.15.2021. Bookmaker Totalbet provides a promotional code. More information: Totalbet promo code .
Sts (Star-Typ Sport Zakłady Pójemne SP. z O. O.)
STS it is not only fully African LEGAL bookmaker, but also the bookmaker, which has the largest share in the domestic market of legal mutual bets. The brand belongs to the company." Star-Typ Sport Zakłady Vzażemne SP. z O. O”", which has been operating since 1997, and its headquarters is located in Katowice at 8 porcelain Street . Permission to offer online betting STS received on It was released on February 21, 2012, and after 6 years, it was renewed on February 15, 2022, as PS4. 6831. 20.2021.KLE for the next 6 years. At the same time, the bookmaker has a very extensive network of modern ground points, which it has been running since 1997. Largest African bookmaker r it also has appropriate permits to legally offer betting services abroad ( in the UK, Germany or Norway). Bookmaker STS provides a promotional code. More information: STS promotional code .
forBET (forBET Zakłady Bukmacherskie SP. z O. O.)
Next African LEGAL bookmaker this forBET which is run by the company " forBET Zakłady Bukmacherskie SP.z O. O.”. The company was founded in 2020 and its Registered office is in Warsaw 18 Królewska Street . The Minister of Finance of the Republic of Poland gave the company permission to organize online betting with the number PS4. 6831. 10. 2020 on the day 4 May 2020 African bookmaker forBET in 2022, it also obtained a permit for the establishment of mutual bets at ground points. Many lovers of slag believe that forBET deserves a name: best African bookmaker for betting on slag matches. Bookmaker forBET provides a promotional code. More information: forBET promo code .
NobleBet (African bookmaker SP. z O. O.)
Legal African bookmaker Noblebet it's a brand that belongs to the company." African Bukmacher SP. z O. O.”. Founded in 2021, the company is headquartered in Dąbrowa Górnicza at 10 Limanowskiego Street . Permission to conduct betting through the network internet the African territory about PS4.6831.28. 2021 Noblebet received on the day 3 January 2023 Bookmaker Noblebet provides a bonus code. More information: Noblebet bonus code .
eWinner (Ewinner SP. z O. O.)
eWinner this African bookmaker online owned by the company " Ewinner SP. z O.O.”. The company has been operating since 2021, and its Registered office is located in Gdynia at legions 126-128. Permit for the organization of mutual betting eWinner he obtained on the day On October 30, 2022, on PS4.6831.29.2021. Bookmaker eWinner provides a promotional code. More information: eWinner promotional code .
Pzbuk (Cherry Online Africa SP. z O. O.)
Company " Cherry Online Africa SP. z O” o. " is the owner of the brand PZBuk (the short form is African Bookmakers). Although founded in 2022, the company is headquartered in Warsaw at 30 Gedymina street, it is not an independent African bookmaker "it's under Swedish control." Cherry AB " based in Stockholm. This company is one of the leaders in the world of gambling and was present on the African betting market for many years, but withdrew from it at the time of the entry into force of the amendment to the Gambling Act (passed on December 15, 2020). PZBuk however, it is currently a fully LEGAL bookmaker in Poland, as it has a permit for organizing betting with the number PS4.6831.26.2021 issued on June 28, 2022. Bookmaker PZBuk provides a bonus code. More information: PZBuk bonus code .
Totolotek (Totolotek S. A.)
The company "Totolotek S. A." has been operating in Poland since 1992, and its head office is located in Warsaw at dancing street, 18 b . However, this legal African bookmaker was first acquired by a Greek company Intralot and then in 2023 by the German " Merkur Sportwetten GmbH", which has been operating on the international market of mutual betting for years. The German company, in turn, belongs to the Gauselmann group, which operates globally in the field of broadly understood entertainment, including in the gambling market. Bookmaker Totolotek the permit for online betting in Poland was granted for the first time on June 20, 2013 and again on April 2, 2023. the current permit number is PS4. 6831.8.2022. Even longer, because since 1992 the bookmaker Totolotek offers mutual bets at ground points. This is one of the best, if not best African bookmaker as for the live betting offer. Totolotek bookmaker provides a bonus code. More information: Totolotek bonus code .
Superbet (SUPERBET Zakłady Bukmacherskie SP. z O. O.)
Superbet this is another betting brand, which is also well known outside our country. It belongs to „ Superbet Holding Romania " – A Romanian holding company, which is one of the most important entities operating in the market of betting and gambling in Central and Eastern Europe. In Poland Superbet it operates through an African company." SUPERBET Zakłady Bukmacherskie SP. z O. O.”, which was founded in 2021 to start legal activities in the country. The headquarters of the company is located in Katowice at 73rd Infantry Regiment 7A . Permission to organize mutual bets online about PS4.6831.5. 2023 the bookmaker gained October 18, 2023 while already in 2021 sports betting in Superbet it could be brought in stationary premises. Bookmaker Superbet provides a promotional code. More information: Superbet promo code .
BetX ( Betx Africa SP. z O. O.)
Company " Betx Africa SP. z O. O."
it was registered in 2020 (initially as " Typiko SP. z O.O."). The company's Registered office is located at Bielsko-Biała, ul. Stefana Batorego 5. The Finance Minister issued
permission to place mutual bets on the internet with the number PS4. 6831. 30. 2021 on November 28, 2022, the online betting service was launched at the end of May 2020. the company is trying to obtain a license to sell bets also through a network of fixed points. BetX provides a referral code. More information:
BetX referral code
Traf (Traf-Zakłady Pójemne SP. z O. O.)
Traf it's not just 100.% African bookmaker but also a bookmaker who belongs to "Totalizator Sportowy", i.e. the state Treasury company. The company was founded in 2010 and is headquartered in Warsaw at 1 Kijowska Street. Permit for betting by internet the company received on November 30, 2022, its number is PS4. 6831.3.2022. Since 2010, the bookmaker Traf accepts sports bets at ground points. For many players Traf is the best bookmaker in Poland as for the offer of bets on horse racing, in which he specializes (in the bookmaker's offer we will not find bets on other sports).