The most common mistakes of bookmakers
We all make mistakes and bookmakers know this. List of typer offences it's a long one, and any mistake is a net gain for the betting companies. However, and bookmakers, although they are supported by computer algorithms and expert staffs, they include failures, which in turn can earn typists (at least on their considerable part). What are they mistakes of bookmakers and which ones are worth using, and which ones are better to avoid with a wide arc? What game strategies are based on the mistakes of betting operators and where it pays to look for betting mistakes?
Mistakes of bookmakers in courses
Courses bets placed by bookmakers on specific sporting events should reflect the chances of specific events occurring. Currently bookmakers they not only employ many professionals, but also use specialized computer programs to calculate the parameters indicating the probability and the corresponding betting odds for individual events as accurately as possible. Is it even possible, then, to bookmakers could they have made a mistake somewhere in their highly automated and tightly controlled calculations? Absolutely.
Firstly betting offers are extremely extensive these days therefore, it is not possible to bookmaker had a full and up-to-date knowledge of every market offered – especially when it comes to niche sports and little-known leagues . A player who specializes in the chosen sport has a chance to quickly catch a mistake and have time to bet at an attractive rate. It should be noted that there is no such opportunity not much time , because the poorly estimated rate is corrected in a fairly short time (bookmakers draw appropriate conclusions based on play typists). Such errors in the amount of the course also appear much more often in the case of less popular event markets . Bookmakers they put the most effort into correctly placing the odds on the most commonly placed types of bets – with the classic bet on the winner of the meeting (1X2) at the forefront. On the other hand, the odds on less besieged markets regarding, for example, (in football) the number of corner kicks in the second half of a match, the number of shots in the goal light or the result (1X2) after, for example, 10 minutes of the match – just like niche sports – are determined only on the basis of what the computer will throw out after digesting statistics and various data from across the field.
Here we come to the second reason for the appearance – however, quite frequent for such an intensive work on the correctness of the odds – mistakes of bookmakers. Many betting market watchers agree that this is the case.
automating the bookmaker
it is the cause of many shortcomings in the offer of odds bookmakers. Computer programs use algorithms that calculate the probability of a given event solely based on
dry numbers
. However, as we know perfectly well, in sports it is not only statistics that matter, but also a lot
"soft" factors
which may prove decisive for the outcome of a particular meeting (current form of players, injuries, weather conditions, etc.). Although the courses given by the computer are then largely corrected
by analysts and traders, they, too, count stumbles. Thus, knowledge of all the details that can affect a given sporting event should be the domain of a professional, specialized in a given discipline / League player. This kind of knowledge makes it easy to spot misjudged odds and take advantage of them quickly before the bookmaker has time to correct their mistake.
How to use mistakes of bookmakers in courses? Valuebety
"Value Betting" is the whole strategy, which we described in detail in the article "Valuebet, or how to get an advantage over the bookmaker" . At this point, it is only worth remembering that it consists of planned search for undervalued betting sites , so the mistakes of the bookmaker in the odds offer. This is not an easy task. Firstly, the player must be able to independently estimate the probability of a particular outcome of a sports meeting, and secondly, he must be able to quickly find an error in the bookmaker's odds. It is necessary, of course, a great orientation to the situation, for example, a given sports league, and at the same time it is necessary to devote a lot of time to a systematic search for bets from value . You can, of course, support yourself with, for example, a course comparator that will help us track down mistakes of bookmakers do you search for information from other typers (online betting forums, Facebook groups, etc.). However, in the latter case, you need to be careful and always independently assess the value of the types found.
Closing this topic, let us remind you how to check whether the selected bookmakers have value. The formula for the BET value is as follows:
v = k * p
To perform calculations of the BET value (v – value we need values:
k-bookmaker's odds-written in decimal form,
p-objective probability of occurrence of a given type-the percentage divided by 100.
If value is greater than 1 this means that the plant is valuebet . However, this does not mean that such bookmakers they will always win (the selection itself may still be wrong), but in the long run their skillful betting it brings players regular profits.
Bookmakers As of value
In general, accumulator bets, that is, consisting of at least 2 events, are not recommended by experienced players. First, AKO bets are much riskier than single bets, and the more events, the more likely you are to lose. Secondly, although the winnings from accumulated bets are much higher (the overall coupon rate is equal to the product of the odds of the component bets), the bookmaker's margin is also correspondingly higher (the coupon margin is similarly the product of the margins of individual bets). That's why sami bookmakers this is how much they encourage multi-gift vouchers – this is where their profit is greatest.
However, using the knowledge of betting with
, players can also benefit from the specifics of accumulated bets.
If the typer adds to the coupon
, the value of the entire coupon will also be greater than for individual bets.
This is because
coupon as is also the product of the value of the bets added to it
. It is worth noting one more advantage of bets consisting of
they monitor the activity of players, and those who play "too well" impose individual
betting limits
. On the other hand, typists who place accumulative bets are not taken completely seriously, therefore
avoid limits and blocks more easily
The game of Arbitration – surebets
If bookmakers place odds inadequate to the probability of a given event, players can take advantage of this in another way, that is, by playing for arbitration. This game strategy is to betting by a player on opposing results of the same event . Bookmakers surebet they secure every possible outcome of a given meeting (every type) and therefore regardless of the actual outcome, the player always wins (this is therefore „ guaranteed by a technical procedure). Surebets you should search by comparing the odds offers for a given event at different bookmakers and betting betting with the highest odds . For example, suppose we are looking for surebetu on the outcome of the volleyball match, and the best odds for the victory of one of the teams we found in 2 bookmakers:
- Bookmaker X: 1,60 (type 1) – 2,50 (type 2),
- Bookmaker Y: 1,45 (type 1) – 2,80 (type 2).
Our surebet it will therefore rely on betting on Type 1 at BookMaker X and on type 2 at BookMaker Y. However, to make a profit, you still need to choose the right bets. For example, let the bet on Type 1 be $ 100 – then the win from this bet is $ 160 (for simplicity, we omit the issue of gaming tax). To calculate the correct bet on type 2, we need to divide the winnings from the bet on Type 1 by the odds of the bet on type 2, which gives us $57.14. In this case, the hit coupon means a win of $159.99. To round off this result, let's say that regardless of the outcome of the match, we win $ 160, and after deducting the stakes, our profit is about $3.
A lot of West, and although the profit is almost certain (it can always happen, for example, to cancel the bet by the bookmaker), the earnings are small – as a rule, we can count on no more than 3% of the profit. In addition, the 12% gaming tax in force in Poland, which is automatically deducted from the contribution rate, makes in African reality, it is very difficult to surebets . Moreover, you should be very careful with the rates paid, because bookmakers they are well aware of the practice by players of the game of Arbitration. The rate of our example bet on type 2 should be rounded, because incomplete amounts immediately arouse the suspicions of the bookmaker that typer game surebets . This, in turn, results in the imposition of individual limits or the blocking of the player's account (temporary or even lifetime).
However, if the player specializes in the search
, can regularly and almost with a guaranteed profit to bet on bookmakers (especially if he lives abroad and contains
without African tax). And again, we have the best chance of finding them if we look for them, for example.
in niche sports and long distance leagues
because here, as already mentioned, the easiest way to find a bookmaker error. If you want to know more about search
and the tools that help with this, take a look at the article
"Surebet, i.e. get profit regardless of the outcome of the match"
Same event-different odds at the same bookmaker
It is also worth to be aware that the analysis of the offer of bets within a single betting site can show odds differences for the same event . Mistakes of bookmakers they sometimes consist in the fact that this specific event, which can be bet on with the help of two (or more) types of BET, has different odds assigned to it – as if the probability of its occurrence was also twofold. For example, a frameless draw bet in a football match. Bookmakers can provide for such a result not only bet on the exact result (i.e. 0 – 0), but also bet on the exact number of goals in a match (the number 0) or plant type under / over (score below 0.5 goals). As you can see, all these bets relate to the same outcome of the meeting, only they put it differently. Interestingly, the situation when these different markets bookmaker will put other odds, is not at all rare. So if a player is going to type a given result, and other betting markets are possible in this case, it may often pay to take a moment and look at the offer also in this regard.
"Czech" b lęda bookmakers
Previously discussed mistakes of bookmakers in the odds offer result from mistakes made by bookmakers at the stage of assessing the likelihood of various outcomes of sporting events. Such errors are usually not large and give not very large profits – only a larger number of such hit bets brings a reasonable profit. However, they should not be confused with other exchange rate errors, which can be called "Czech mistakes". Bookmakers make mistakes once in a while in the odds offer, which result from number changes (e.g. 3.10 instead of 1.30), inserting a period in the course in the wrong place (e.g. 11.9 instead of 1.19) or at all exchange rates (Team A is assigned a course to Team B and vice versa.) These are obvious mistakes of bookmakers, which is caused either by a system error or by the C$sheep responsible for entering courses into the offer.
If you think that this type
mistakes of bookmakers
this is a gift that should be used as soon as possible, you will probably be disappointed.
they know how to protect their interests, therefore, in their
terms and conditions
they make separate statements about this situation. According to them
in the event of an obvious error of the operator, the bet is settled as a refund of the bet
course is 1.00. And what if the bookmaker realizes too late that he has committed "
"(from Eng.
error) and transfer the winnings from the bet to the player's account? In such a situation, we will be obliged to return the winnings – cases of this type have already ended in Poland in court, and the judgments announced were in favor of the bookmaker. It is better to leave such
"opportunities", because it is very unlikely to be able to play on them.
Errors in billing coupons
This is another common mistake that happens in bookmakers , i.e. mistakes of bookmakers in the settlement of the bet coupon. If the bookmaker made a mistake to your disadvantage, enough contact customer service and report a problem . Legal bookmakers they follow the law and we do not have to worry that we will be deceived – in the event that our coupon was hit, the operator will certainly quickly settle the payout of the winnings. On the other hand, being aware that such mistakes sometimes happen, it is worth keeping your hand on the pulse and always checking what was the actual result of a typical meeting and whether the coupon was properly settled. Sometimes it can also turn out that the devil is in the details and according to the rules of the bookmaker, the result was settled correctly (which is why it is so important to get acquainted with it in advance).
The situation can also be the opposite: the coupon that was lost will be settled by the system as a hit, and the player's account will be affected by the win . We warn you against paying it or using these funds for further play. The bookmaker with a high probability will realize that dos$o to a mistake and he will demand a return . In extreme cases, this can also end up in court.
B lęda bukmacheró in May also concern not so much the incorrect settlement of the coupon, as in general the acceptance of the establishment . If, for example, a given match has already started or even ended, and the ability to place bets from the offer pre-match it was not blocked, the bet placed after a while (but still accepted by the computer system) will be sooner or later cancelled by bookmaker . The situation with a possible win from such a coupon is the same as in the case of a bet wrongly settled as a hit.
Mistakes of bookmakers - concluding observations
The errors of bookmakers presented in this article primarily concern incorrectly placed odds and, as you can see, not all mistakes of the bookmaker are worth using. On the other hand, some bookmakers that rely on odds errors (arbitrage betting) are unwelcome by the game's organisers and while they are not illegal, bookmakers severely restrict the players who use them. However, as a rule, if the course is not an obvious mistake, betting with poorly estimated by the bookmaker odds is allowed and brings not very spectacular, but steady profits. That is why many advanced typists make betting strategies based on betting mistakes of bookmakers the basis of their game, and mastering value betting it is considered an indispensable skill of an effective player.